Saturday, June 12, 2021

Here You Go Folks

[ ]I've been saying for well over a year that this plannedemic is being used to induce fear, whereby you can control a population who's terrified to hug anyone any more. If you don't believe me, then maybe you'll believe these headlines. How about this one from that reads "Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’ admit scientists." How's about that folks? Are you starting to see the light? Notice the two key words- "Admit" and "Use." What does that tell us? Well, they're admitting it (and there you have it), and they're saying that it was USED, as in "on purpose." They're trying to control us by fear. How about this one from that says "Why using fear to promote COVID-19 vaccination and mask wearing could backfire." Again there's that word- "Using." THIS IS BY DESIGN, Y'ALL, AND THEY'RE ADMITTING IT. [ ]How can this not wake you up? Seriously. If you can read this and just go on about your day like it's nothing, you're either a fool or you're scared too shitless to even QUESTION things that you KNOW ARE WRONG. It's up to you. Stay asleep, and suffer the consequences, or wake up and smell the bullshit. It's too late to stop this shit but we can mitigate some of it. They're telling us to our faces. How can we ignore this? The choice is yours. Please...choose wisely. We need you. Our KIDS need you. Wake up! You can do it.

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