Friday, June 18, 2021


[ ]If you're an ordinary Goober like me and a thumbnail pops up in your YT feed, showing a gal with huge tits in a bikini, and prancing around in a waterfall, are you going to click on it? Of course you are. Ehhh...she's okay. Not my type really, although maybe she's really nice, and to many men that's the look. Her breasts are a bit large for my taste, not to mention too much plastique. It says "Bikini Try-On" but that's just more clickbaitery. We don't actually get to see the entire trying-on process, even though you can watch (totally) nude Yoga on YT all day long, and how that doesn't violate their bullshit "terms of service" I'll never know because they're buck-naked, but bikini chick would get thrown off YT if she showed skin. I wonder how that works. [ ]So just for purposes of research for this post I scanned a few of her vids. Mostly she's "camping" and "hiking" and quasi-frollicking around in the Great Outdoors, and most of the time she's wearing a bikini, sometimes with a pair of Daisy-Dukes on, if she has to walk through rough terrain. The rest of the time she just smiles and does things in a bikini. I wonder how much her channel makes off of dipshits like me. Probably a lot, and that's why they call it clickbait. At least I knew I was being clickbaited. So, are her videos loaded with great camping info, some sort of commune with Ma Nature, valuable survival skills, etc., some great epiphany about life, or is it just about the bikini? Let's just say there's fifty-million outdoor vids on YT.

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