Friday, March 22, 2019

The Daily Bullshit: Oops

First of all my condolences and prayers go out to friends and family of Justin Carter. Having said that I'm going to have to call bullshit, as you might have guessed. This title sounds harsh in the wake of Mr. Carter's death maybe but life is harsh. Maybe I'm suffering from "empathy-burnout" or whatever cute name they came up with for it.
 It means that people experience so many tragedies and shit that they just can't have enough feelings to go around. They get spread too thin and so they pull back to save same some for themselves and people closer to them. I get it but it sucks, and it's assuming that someone has a heart to begin with, and many people don't. Sadly that seems to be the case more and more these days. I'm not unsympathetic at all but the whole deal reeks of bullshit. My Bullshitometer is pegged.
 The story goes that he accidentally shot himself with a prop pistol while shooting his latest video. I already want to put all that in quotes. What a way for a Cowboy to go, right? It's the stuff of legend. Why you could write a Country song about it. Yeah I sound like a cynical old fuck 'cause I am, but this is bullshit no matter how you slice it.
 Of course the "Conspiracy Theorists" will be all over this. Right off the bat the "numbers" guys will look at the age he died first, and then start running dates, names (each letter represents a number, which is the simplest form of coding), through the Gematriator or one of the other numbers engines and Gematria its ass. The thing is that this "codong" and all the numbers stuff is very real and the higher-ups who call the shots and all of these societies and such use numbers to code things and also to communicate secretly in plain sight. They do love their numbers. But trying to decode it is subjective at best, plus there's several different forms of coding letters, i.e. A-Z can be 1-26 which is standard, or the numbers can repeat at 10, where K could be an 11 or start over and be another 1, so you have to know which form of decoding to use- "Classic" Gematria, "German" Gematria, etc. You have to have the key in other words.
 It's also subjective in that you can stop at any point in the process if you see a number you're looking for. In the basic deal you take all the numbers you get, add them and then reduce until you either go as far as you can, or hit a certain number and stop. Say you decode the letters of a name or whatever and you get the number 12,341. That's 1&2&3&4&1=11, or 2 (1&1). My plus key isn't working BTW. Anyway that's basically how it works. You can say it's taking things too far but again it's 100% a real deal. And no, decoding numbers isn't "evil" as some would have you believe, and if anything it can help keep an eye on what the bad guys are up to because it's just a part of how they roll.
 I think that even though it's valid it's wasting time time best spent elsewhere. It goes way beyond the numbers and they're just not that important. Plus the numbers guys already know the numbers are going to be there one way or another, whether they stop reducing at 11 or whatever. It should be noted but those guys should do that and then move on, but they get stuck in the numbers and don't go anywhere else. I get it because it's fun. Like most kids of my generation I had a Secret Decoder Ring. It had a dial with letters and a dial with numbers and you could start with A as 1 or you could turn it to where B is 1 or anything else and get another code entirely. The decoder ring is based on the real system. If you sent your buddy a coded message you'd let him know "F is 1" or whatever so he'd know how to decipher it. Needless to say it's an easy code to break. Even if you don't know that F is 1 you can just keep turning the dial until the words you get line up and make sense. We didn't have digital encryption on our decoder rings back in the day.
 Just for good measure I noticed the stylized "Baphomet" design on his shirt, as seen in this photo. I'm sure someone else will pick upon that right away. Say what you will but it's right there in front of your face, stylized or not. Then there's the fact that he shot himself in the eye (the one-eye symbolism). That could absolutely be coincidence, but it'd fit the "all-seeing eye" deal, and it is curious, if not about unlikely as fuck. But let's just look at the facts.
 First off, if the story is true, and I'm not saying it isn't although I have my doubts, then Prop Guy is up a crick without a paddle. Oh, wait...I gotta back up and call bullshit on another thing first. A prop gun that works? Bullshit. Sure they want authenticity, but they have the budget to rent an authentic-looking pistol. They make those. They reproduce every detail (except for the firing pin) and they look real enough to fool the cops but they don't fire. Hence the term "prop" gun. Okay, so maybe at the last minute somebody forgot to call the prop company to rent a prop pistol for the shoot (as it were), and Joe Gaffers happens to have an old Colt .45 or whatever and he'd be glad to run get it for the shoot. That could happen, but make sure the damn thing's not loaded. The thing is, and again if it's all true, is that for sure prop guy will get blamed, but ultimately the responsibility would have fallen on...drum roll, please...dude himself.
 Anybody who ever learned to shoot a gun learned the First Rule of firearms...if you pick up a gun, and until you're ready to shoot, MAKE SURE THE GUN ISN'T LOADED. That means a Colt .45 or an Uzi or a centuries-old rusty derringer found in a sunken shipwreck to a "prop" gun to a freaking cap pistol, and I'm not kidding. You check to see if the thing is loaded. That way you avoid stupid shit like accidentally shooting yourself. Just ask one of the best guitarists in the whole world, Terry Kath. Oh, can't. He accidentally shot himself. The story goes that Terry had a little buzz on and he was playing with a gun at a party. Someone asked him if he'd checked to make sure the gun wasn't loaded and he said of course and to demonstrate, he put the gun to his head and pulled the trigger and blew his brains out. Fucking oops. I rest my case.
 You can learn about Kentucky Windage or hollow vs. solid or why you can't shoot out the little red star with BBs in the game at the fair and whatever else you might want to learn about guns, but if you ever think about picking up a gun, you always, always, ALWAYS make sure it isn't loaded. And that means even if you checked it ten minutes earlier...if you fool around with it again you check it again. Yes it's completely redundant but that's how you have to treat the matter. It's one thing to shoot your own dumb ass but it'd be way worse to hurt someone else. You can't be too redundant if it could involve life or death. You can't rely on your memory for this one thing, and certainly not someone else's memory. They might have been high and forgot they loaded it. It's simple. Check the chamber. Takes two seconds. BTW RIP, Terry. You were really good.
 So prop guy fucked up, and dude fucked up. Third on the list would be a thing I'd love to see the forensics report on. Supposedly the gun was in his pocket, which we can presume means that it was facing downward, yet it says he shot himself in the eye. How the fuck somebody do that? A ricochet I could maybe believe but I don't think that's the case. They didn't mention that cool "FEEYOWwww" sound you hear in the movies when a bullet ricochets. Seriously that's messed-up. Only a true-blue dumbass would ever carry a loaded pistol in his pocket...facing up. Come on, man. It wouldn't even fit in his pocket facing up. It's bullshit.
 I can't say what happened for sure of course because I wasn't there. Maybe it happened just like they say it did, and if anybody knows that crazy shit happens it is I, and there were witnesses apparently, if they're all being truthful, and that's certainly questionable. I'm not trying to turn everything into a conspiracy as it may seem. I picked this at random because it's just the latest one. Aside from the number of probable witnesses, this story parallels so many others that it really doesn't matter which one you pick. Guy shoots video...gun shoots guy. So, dude gets a prop gun, prop gun is somehow real, and loaded, gun is in dude's pocket upside-down, something happens and gun goes off and hits dude in the eye. That's nuts. That's the story and some of it obviously is true (dude's apparently dead) but there's something fucking fishy going on here and that's a fact. And that goes for this particular incident, most of the other celebrity "deaths" and the music business in general.
 I won't go into all that shit right here but I've been looking into it for decades, and I've been in the biz myself since before I could legally drive, so I've learned a few things. The song "Murder by Numbers" by Sting could be a clue. I'll just say that in this case, dude should still be walking around, end of story. That's a mistake that shouldn't have been made. Sure accidents happen and tragically that involves guns. I don't know for sure but I'd guess that most accidental deaths are caused by kids playing with loaded guns that aren't locked away. Adults should know better. Just ask Terry Kath. Dang it, that's can't. Well, RIP, Justin. Sorry about the bullshit. Bullshit can be lethal.

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