Friday, March 29, 2019

Accidentally Funny: Jim Nabors Update

I recently did a post about my dad accidentally making a "Jim Nabors" joke. I was telling my mom and she told me something I'd forgotten. My dad grew up in the same small town and went to high school with Jim. Back around the 60s or 70s I guess there was a movie mag with an article on Jim Nabors. It had a photo of Jim cutting a rug at a high-school dance, and my dad happened to be in the photo. That's pretty cool.
 Like I said I think we may still have the photo from the year Jim and my dad were both in the marching band but I'm not sure. It'd be a fun little project to see if I could find a copy of whatever magazine it was on eBay. It'd take some digging and communication with sellers, but maybe I could find it. Actually dad may possibly still have his high-school annual and that pic could be in it. Yep, lol, the time he spent dancing was pretty much the only contact Jimmy had with the opposite sex, but it is what it is. Jim Nabors was funny and he was talented. According to dad he "sure could dance." RIP, JImmy.

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