Sunday, March 10, 2019

Jobs I Wish I Had Update

Not long after the yellow-vest protests began in France, I said I wished I had a factory that made yellow vests, since everybody and their mom had bought one. I was only half-joking. I might have known that just like any fashion trend it would take off like a rocket, and there'd be lots of other vesters jumping on the bandwagon and pretty soon we'd be seeing vests in every color of the rainbow and then some. Now the pink vests have hit the scene and I'm sure others are planned. These look pretty fancy, and they sure are pink. Speaking of rainbows, rainbow vests are surely right around the corner, if they're not already here.
 In no time at all vests will become the hottest new fashion trend. I guarantee it. Fashion designers will jump all over it. There'll be vests for daytime and vests for evening. Vests for senior proms. Vests for Casual Friday. Vests to wear with a bow tie. Team-color vests for sporting events. Smoking vests. After-dinner vests. Logo vests that support every cause on the planet. Holy sh*t. Tie-dye vests. Drug-rep vests. Velvet vests. I'd have one of those. Camo vests. Oh, wait...they already have those. Goth vests. Kid's vests. Gucci vests. Aerosmith vests. "Save the Vests" vests. There'll be vests for about every damn thing under the Sun.
 I really want to open a vest company. It's the future, at least until it goes out of style. There are millions to be made on one single product. Inventory costs would be so low it'd be ridiculous. You might have to pay some licensing fees, but who cares? It'd goose you up to a way higher tax bracket. You can bet your ass my company would be gender-EVERYTHING. I'd take their money a hell of a lot quicker than I would LOTS of other people's. I want to start the Acme Vest Company. Tomorrow. And I'm not kidding. Any backers?

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