Tuesday, March 19, 2019

My First B-12 Shot

 I was doing a post about addiction and talking about never taking iv drugs, and it reminded me of my first B-12 shot. I think I told this story way back in my first blog but that was years ago. I was 22 I think and I was playing in an incredible band a couple of nights a week plus trying to squeeze in a few classes and working five days doing "landscraping" at a hospital here.
 There was this amazing woman named Libby who worked in admin in a doctor's office. She seemed really nice and she was completely hot. She had long blond hair and a classic, gorgeous face. Body by Fisher. She could've easily been a movie star but I'm glad she wasn't. She'd smile and make eye contact when I'd see her in the cafeteria or somewhere, but I thought maybe she was grinning at what a goofydick I looked like wearing a sometimes-dirty uniform every day, with the forest-green pants and bright yellow shirt that made us look like zoo employees or something.
 One day I was sittin' with the fellers over at our grimy table and I remember it was hot as balls that Summer and it was 101 in the shade that day. I wasn't all sweaty or anything like that. I saw Libby in line and she gave me an extra-nice smile. She paid for her lunch and to my amazement she asked if she could join us. "I insist" I said. To tell you the truth none of us could be considered a bad-looking guy and we cleaned-up okay, so it wasn't like we were repulsive to women or anything, but I'd never have thought about getting together with any body looking like that.
 Randy was a great guy and he looked exactly like the traditional image of Jesus, with long, straight brown hair and beard. Interestingly he was very "religious" too, but he was a really cool guy. He was down to earth and he had a dry sense of humor. Jay, "Hosepipe Guy," had really curly hair and a mustache and he could've been a character actor at least. Flo was a tall black guy, about 6-6 and he looked down on just about everybody, from a height standpoint that is. He was gruff but he was hilarious and a good guy and he was a trip to mess with, although very carefully.
 There was Willie, who became a good friend and someone I kept up with for years after I left. Willy was another tall black man who was better-looking than all the rest of combined. Willie was awesome and he also became friends with Dr. Jon, who was the bass player but was going to be a doctor and worked at the same hospital then. Willie came out to almost all our gigs and parties and whatever else was going on. Being a "Horticreature" as we called ourselves got a bit too hot for him that Summer so he got a transport job inside and he moved on up and still works there as far as I know.  Willie was family.
 Besides Willie, James was my favorite. He was a short black cat who had a cool mustache that came down his face and was trimmed nicely at the bottom. He had one of the coolest faces I've ever seen on a black guy. He was definitely black but he had a bit of an Hispanic-looking deal going on possibly, but it was unique. He was always smiling. He was also hilarious and in fact one of the funniest people I've known. He had sharp features and with that mustache he looked just like a happy Sheriff in some old Western, only black. He even had a great "Howdy, pardner" look on his face all the time. Give him a cowboy hat and a six-gun and he could've had a career in the movies. We were cool, and he came to several of our gigs. I remember some of the funny things he said to this day.
 OMG I just remembered. This is incredible. Apparently women found him irresistible. I've seen people like that but nothing in my life like James. Women would walk past and there would be a brief exchange of words and it always ended with plans to get together, usually that evening. I always assumed he knew them from the hospital, but when I'd ask he'd say "I dunno. Just met her." It was amazing. I remember one week that was a bit of a milestone for him. He had not one, not two but three women in the same hospital on the same floor; all having his babies at the same time. I shit you not. That has to be close to some sort of record. Meanwhile during all that he was still at work charming the pants off of new talent. I could see how women were attracted to him, especially since he was a true comedian, but I never sawr anything like it before or since. He was a piece of work.
 Anyway I ramble but it's always fun remembering crazy shit from ages ago. So Libby say down and freaked us out a little but certainly in a good way, and the rest is history. We went out that night. I went over to her apartment and the plan was to go out for dinner, but she looked at me and said "You look like you'd just as soon have dinner here." In fact I'd played a gig the night before and gotten maybe four hours sleep before going to work that day and I was a little tired. I said sure that'd be nice. It actually was a relief. I said I'd order delivery but she said no and she ended up whipping up a really nice meal later that evening. She asked me if I'd been out late cutting up and I said yes, but kinda working too. "You work another job too?" she asked. "What do you do?" "I play music." "Really?" she said. "In town?" "Yes." I told her a little about us and that a couple of the guys she'd met came out occasionally to see us.
 Of course that was a feather in my cap, but the good thing about it is she found that out after she was already interested in me. Although it was impossible 100% of the time, I tried not to exploit women who basically came up to me and offered themselves for the evening just because they were turned-on because I was in a band. I don't think it would've mattered too much anyway because she really liked me and I really liked her too. She was a true sweetheart and we went out for a long time until she moved to Chicago for a year to go to school and when she came back she was single but I wasn't. I wish I'd kept in touch.
 Anywho when she found out I had a legit reason for being tired and I wasn't some manic drunk or whatever, she said she had something that might help. I asked what and she said a B-12 shot. I'd heard of them and I'd heard they made you feel so good and energetic that it was almost a buzz. I said okay. She went into the kitchen and came back a minute later holding up a syringe filled with red liquid and tapping it. "It's okay" she said. "I work for a doctor." I laughed and started to reach my arm out but she said "Drop 'em." "Huh?" I said. "Your pants. Drop 'em." I could tell from her mock-serious tone that she knew what she was doing. She told me that that's where they give them. I said fine but if I was going to show her my rear I couldn't guarantee I could cover up all of my front. "It's okay" she repeated. "I work for a doctor." She was already looking down toward my rear. I liked her already.
 I dropped trou. Luckily I was wearing a button-down so I was able to more or less keep my front covered. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and helped pull it up, and then she did something really cute...and hot...she leaned around and smiled and pretended to have a quick peek at the front of my shirt. Then she went back around and stuck it in the bun. It felt a little cool from being in the fridge but I could barely feel the shot itself. I thought maybe I didn't feel anything because I was on a buzz just from the night and being with her, but it's always like that. B-12 is a very thin liquid and non-acidic so it doesn't burn or irritate tissue as much.
 I pulled my pants up but after she'd done that little thing I figured there'd be a 50-50 chance they wouldn't stay on to too much longer. Right before I got zipped she went "Sooooo...ummmmmm..." "Yes?" I said. "Well, you don't have to be in a big hurry to do that...if you don't want to" she said. Bingo. Speaking of irritated tissue, the next day we both had gnarly rug-burns, and hers were so bad she had to wear dresses for a couple of days. We had lunch the next day, which luckily was Friday, and we sat at a small table to the side of the cafeteria. We might as well have been sitting dead-center. With no clothes on. It was great...she had on a nice dress with bandages on both knees, and I was doing the crabwalk all day long. It was painfully obvious, and anyone who cared, knew. She said the people in her office basically lined up and gave her shit one by one, like "So, do anything fun last night? Oh, what's wrong with your knees? Do you need medical attention?" and stuff like that. Man, she was a good sport about it and she laughed it off. They all loved her anyway.
 I guess I'd put my "First B-12 shot" story up against anyone's. Libby was cool. I hope she's well.

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