Friday, March 22, 2019

Time Capsule: Accidental New "Gomer" Joke (Jim Nabors)

My dad grew up in Sylacauga, Alabama, which was also where the late Jim Nabors of "The Andy Griffith Show" and "Gomer Pyle, USMC" fame grew up. He was a year older than my dad, and besides being in the marching band at the same time, dad never got to know "Jimmy" very well. There's a great photo that I'm pretty sure we still have but I didn't want to look for it. I may post it if I find it.
 It's an 8x10 black and white photo of the band, with Jim and my dad. Dad played trumpet but I forget what Jim played. I think clarinet. All dad ever said about Jimmy from the high-school days was that he was well-liked and into doing theater. He was also a great singer and he could "really dance." There were countless "Gomer" jokes back in the day, but no matter what you may say about Jim Nabors (ShaZAYyam), he carved out a career for himself that stands the test of time, and he had talent.
 Dad had a stroke about ten years ago and even though he was incredibly healthy before it happened and we'd hoped for a more complete recovery, he's still dad and he still has his sense of humor intact, although many times he says things that are funny even though he doesn't know it. Not long ago he was surfing and a rerun of Gomer Pyle came on. He still remembers tons of stuff but I try to test him sometimes. I said something about Jim just to see how much it would jog his memory and he came out with an accidental zinger. He was saying a bit about Jimmy from back in high school, and he casually remarked "He didn't date many girls." Lol, I guess not. Good one, dad. Accidental or not.

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