Thursday, March 21, 2019


If you should happen to stumble on this and the post below and actually read it, good for you. You obviously have the patience of Job and are musically-adventurous to boot. If you want to read about a band that carved their own special place in music history, if nothing more than being the shittiest band ever to be recorded (to most ears), here you go.
 I say that lovingly because here it's a relative term. It's both ugly and beautiful at the same time. It's out of tune, out of time and out to lunch. It's some of the most atonal, arhythmical, and frankly "amusical" music you'll ever hear. It's also rhythmically-terrifying. The Shaggs' story is incredible but their music is even more so. You couldn't define it with a Roget's Dinosaurus. This music carved out its own niche and it will stand there alone forever. Literally if you can hang with the first fifteen seconds of this music you're on your way to a musical journey that will probably change your attitude of what "music" can be.
 You'll have to try and forget everything you know about music for around half an hour, plus however long it takes your brain to recover from the experience. Remember, the mind stores everything it experiences forever, and things you see or hear can manifest later as something else. I know that when I finally drifted off to sleep after my first pivotal listen to the Shaggs, I had some crazy dreams. I don't remember any of them and I can't say they were directly related to the Shaggs, but it wouldn't surprise me. To some people this literally is the stuff of nightmares.
 If you decide to have a listen, clear your mind. Tell yourself it's useless to try to prepare for what you're about to hear. Make it a private thing the first time. Your friends may not understand and it should be a personal deal anyway, just like finding God. Prepare to be changed forever. If you need to, keep telling yourself "It's only a's only a record..." If you get dizzy easily, don't listen to this music drunk. Like smoking weed on top of a major alcohol buzz, it will give you the Twirlies. Speaking of buzz, you absolutely don't need one to be savagely-altered by this music, but the choice is up to you. Set aside a block of time...say half an hour for the actual listening and at least a few minutes to process...which granted might take for the rest of your life. Be ready for a whole new Universe of music. Smoke 'em if you got 'em, and godspeed.
 Keep in mind that lots of famous musicians love this music and helped to bring it back into public awareness. Whether you love it or hate it I doubt you could say that it isn't about the craziest shit you ever heard in your life. It's about 33 minutes long, which is both the blink of an eye and an eternity. You've been warned. Enjoy.

"The Philosophy of the World" by The Shaggs:

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