Wednesday, February 7, 2018


The truth is starting to come out, folks. Like it or not. Nothing anyone can say will change a thing. Action is a different story, but that's a different story. Only those so steeped in fear (the ENEMY) that they'd rather knowingly believe a comfortable lie than face the facts, or those with their heads up their asses so far that they can't breathe won't be able to deny it much longer. If I had my druthers, what's going on wouldn't be going on in any shape, form or fashion, but again what I think doesn't matter. What I, or anyone else thinks, doesn't matter. Prayer? That just might work.
 If you believe in the idea of a creator, then who created us? Who's the GUY? Some New Age fuck? Stardust? Aliens? Dumb Luck? Maybe. Satan? Hell, no. I think we know whom it is. Look around you...if you can't feel a darkness creeping over this land then something is truly wrong. It's NOT a matter of "dwelling on darkness" or whatever. It's a message of hope. There just may be a brighter way. TRUE brightness I mean. Open you mind just a touch, and be willing to accept the fact that lots of things have been pure lies. Get over your EGO about being too smart to have been fooled. People a hell of a lot smarter than you and I have been fooled, and we're all in the same boat. Don't shoot the messenger. Be angry in the direction you should- the bad guys.
 Things are happening so fast right now that something is going to have to give. People are waking up and getting over themselves and realizing that something is wrong. There's a disturbance in the force. The good news is that we can do something about it if we let go of our fear. Fear is manufactured, whether most people understand it or not. You can break through it. You may have some choices to make one of these days. I hope they're as informed as possible. Yet again, if I had my choice, we'd all live in peace and harmony, just like I've wanted all my life, but what happens happens and all I can do is follow the narrow and rocky path. It isn't easy. The path to Hell is wide-ass open. With all my heart I can say that's true. Most people are walking it right now. I get it. It's seductive. It also ends up in pure darkness and evil. There's a book about all this. You may want to check it out some time.
 If things do happen to get to the point that no one can deny that crazy shit is happening, then people will go to the "loonies" and "tinfoil hats" and the "conspiracy whackjobs" like myself for the answers. It'll be my great pleasure to be of service.

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