Monday, February 12, 2018

Comment of the Day

I was just now watching another "live" broadcast of the TESLA-ESLA-ESLA-LA-LA IN-N-N SPACE-ACE-CE-CE-E-E. Oddly, every time I've clicked on a "live"broadcast, there's always a disclaimer saying that for this or that reason, it's looped. I'm not going to lie...every time I see this thing my Bullshitometer goes into overdrive, especially after I saw an inteview with Elon Musk, in which he dropped little nuggets like "You can tell it's real because it looks so fake," and my very favorite quote (may be slightly paraphrased) of 2018 so far- "I'm tripping on it. Right now I'm tripping balls." Yep, he said that.
 Anyway I was watching another "live" broadcast that again was actually looped. The whole thing is loopy if you ask me. The comments in the chat room were flying by. An unofficial observation told me that the percentage of people calling it fake has gone up 10-15%, for what it's worth, but there are obviously plenty of supporters. One comment, and its reply, caught my attention. Every viewpoint on the planet is expressed in some of these chat rooms, and the "Flat-Earthers" are well-represented. Here's what I saw:

Hacker YouTuber: "THE EARTH IS FLAT."
Valerie K: "Your brain is flat."

Too much. Touche, lol.

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