Wednesday, February 28, 2018

D News

I decided to go ahead and sign up for DTube. It does take a bit of time and you have to set up a Steemit account and wait for approval, but on the upside I just got a message thanking me for my patience and congratulating me for being one of the early members of the new Steemit community, or something like that. Cool, thanks.
 Like my blogs I opted for zero ads on my YouTube channel. I take long videos of the Cahaba River showing leaves floating by and occasional bubbles from turtles farting and such. They're not for everyone, but for those who understand the theraputic value of looking at something that doesn't change scenes every three seconds and constantly bombards you with new information coming at you at lightspeed, my videos seem to mean something. I wasn't about to interrupt a peaceful river scene with ads that popped up out of nowhere at twice the volume level and scared the piss out of people; just like those "screamer" vids or whatever where a scary face pops up and gives you a heart attack. No way, Jose.
 The new platform, if it holds true, is a godsend. Money will be made, and no one will ever have to see ads, or at least not to the degree as they did on YouTube. I have no problem making money under those conditions. Up until now, the reward I get from some of the comments on my videos has been enough, but if I can make a buck or two on top of that, I'm all over it. I've put in quite a bit of time hiking up and down the river looking for places to shoot, and if that can become retroactive sweat-equity, then bring it. I'm not sure how it all works just yet but my Steemit ID will be "doctoroctafer." I suppose while I'm at it I should get my Twitter account up to speed. I started it at least two years ago, and all I've tweeted was "(TAP TAP TAP) Hey, is this thing on?" or something stupid like that. I can't remember, but I should start chirping. I mean tweeting. We'll see how it goes, but I'm in. Stay tuned.

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