Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Situation Room Follies

Today was a fabulous day for stumbling across really crazy shit on the Internet. We've all seen this famous image of  the Situation Room at the White House the day that Bin Laden was taken down, or whatever happened. I was watching a video today and saw an altered version of this photo, and I immediately had to do an image search. I found the image, along with a few more. I really should've known that such an iconic image would get fucked with, and boy, it has been.
 I ran across some hilarity, along with some intrigue, and plenty of good old-fashioned bullshit. Lots of that flying around these days. Of course I had to put together a little montage here. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Grab a cup of coffee if you like, and smoke 'em if you got 'em. Click to enlarge.
 I about lost it when I saw this. What can I say? It's brilliant and it made my day. Someone had fun with this and I appreciate their efforts.

 I kept looking around to see if there were more images. Sure enough. This may be a bit cold to some people, but that's exactly the vibe. They were out to get the guy. Let's just say I've learned to take "official narratives" with a grain of salt. If anyone doesn't understand that "official narratives" can be just a little bit problematic, they probably quit learning about history the second they left high school. From the cold point of view; with the announcer calling it as if it were a play-by-play, it's perfect. Bravo.

 This one's not bad.

 Everybody loves cartoons. I think Obama looks much more important in this version.

 This is outstanding.

 This is too. I think Obama even looks more important in this photo too. Serious bonus points for Hillaryhog eating a slice of pizza. Most people won't get that.

 This is classic.

 Here's a nice collage. They did a good job with perspective and fitting things in and such and it's humorous too. It's amazing, but even with all the cut-and-paste stuff, cartoons and everything, Obama still looks like the least important figure in the room. I find that incredibly interesting.
 Mainly for my personal memory log I want to mention that seeing Obama looking so insignificant here reminds me of an episode of the original Star Trek series, where the villian (a LaVey clone) turned into a tiny, shriveled-up creature at the end, and ended up smoldering like a burnt match. Cartoon dude photobombing is a nice touch. Say, is that Jose Feliciano? Now that's funny.
 I was having one more look through image search to make sure I didn't miss anything good and I found this cropped image. This is definitely a real image, but if I didn't know better I'd say Obama was 'shopped, and pretty darn badly at that. Compared to even Ms. C he looks like a freaking munchkin. It may sound like I'm ragging Obama but it's just my own observations. He looks like a turtle. Get up out yo' shell, man.

 Here's a good one I just now found. They just replaced everyone with someone else, but they did a nice job on matching the original proportions. There's good ol' Bob Ross. RIP, Bob. I just noticed Obama. OMG they nailed it. That is incredible. They managed to catch that same insignificant vibe. I'll be damn. Great work.

 Here's where someone ran it through Pokemon Go. Jesus. Maybe just like those fools who fall off cliffs or walk out into traffic playing the game, a staffer got distracted and wandered right into the Situation Room. Lol.

 The Sgt. Pepper cover in reverse. That's pretty good.

 Here's where it gets interesting. A Brooklyn Hebrew newspaper airbrushed our Hillary and another female present. They thought it'd offend their Hasidic male readership. They got into a heap of shit fast and they quickly redacted and apologized; saying it was for religious reasons or something. It's like they were never there. It's Grade-A bullshit in living black and white. I love it.

 In response to the newspaper thing, someone airbrushed out everyone but Hillary and the other woman. That's excellent.

 But here's where it gets even more interesting. Someone ran the photo that was released to the public through the latest photo-forensic (or whatever it's called) software that shows if a photo has been tampered with. The areas in red show where the photo has been altered.
 Nothing has been added or subtracted or changed really, so there's no outright deception, but the alterations show that this kind of thing is nothing to them, and to people with a brain it should indicate that this sort of thing goes on every day.
 Their theory, and I think it's a good one, goes as follows. First you'll notice that Hillary is lit up. The software indicated that this area was only lightened a shade or two, but it completely surrounds her face. That's to highlight the expression of deep concern on her face. She was definitely the first thing I noticed. To me it's like the old masters who'd paint a halo around a face to indicate great importance or even a godlike figure, and draw the eye to it. People might blow that off as minor, but they'd fail to see the vast amount of bullshit within that tiny change. It's so blatant it's comical by now.
 Interestingly the area around a map has been highlighted. The map itself has been pixelated, and exaggeratedly so, which is understandable for security reasons, but the theory was that it was meant to indicate that Hillary was privy to top-secret info, and one of the gang. It's basically one big Hillary commercial. It's a joke. To the right of her a tie was apparently lengthened, and they're guessing it's to cover a security pass which would reveal a name. I don't remember what the red area in the middle is. They said that the left side of Obama's face was highlighted, as you can see, to "bring him out of the shadows." That'd take more than Photoshopping, but I digress. I think it was a useless attempt to make him look less like a munchkin. This image really goes to show the bullshit that we get 24/7. If people can't see it, I guess they just can't.
 To get back to a funnier note, I'll end with a couple of collages. I have to say yet again, even with Ronald McDonald in the house, Obama still looks...what's the word...humble? Crazy. Love the dog.

 Finally here's an all-out clusterfuck. It has a little something for everyone, plus Bob Ross again. That's great. Damned if even Peewee Herman doesn't look more important than Obama. The very first time I saw the original image the Obama thing really struck me. Even with all the shenanigans, except for the cartoon one and the groundhog one, where he actually looks more important, it's the exact same in all the other photos. Incredible.
 This is after the fact, but I just found it and thought it worth sharing. It was fun.

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