Saturday, February 17, 2018

Daily Bullshit

Most of us have seen the official Barack Obama presidential portrait by now. Not that it isn't interesting, but needless to say it breaks with tradition, and there's truly some high weirdness going on in this painting, but I'll save that for another post. I want to talk about one of my favorite subjects...bullshit, and more than that, how the public eats it up and begs for more.
 I saw an article on a site called Salon. Feel free to look it up. It says: "Pro-Trump trolls are organizing a smear campaign against Obama portrait artist, Kehinde Wiley." The article goes on to say that they've accused Wiley of being "racially insensitive." Well, guess what? The motherfucker IS. No one needs trolls to figure that out. Want proof? I don't blame you, so here you go.

Here Wiley has painted a portrait of a black woman who's just cut off a white woman's head. Racially-insensitive? Naaaaaaah.

Here's another one. For the love of God, racially-insensitive is just the tip of the iceberg. This is subhuman garbage. Who in their right mind; black or white, would choose this "man" to paint a presidential portrait? Oh, Obama. Right. This is sinful. I don't give a damn about racial bullshit because I've never engaged in it. Only in this Sodom-and-Gomorrah world we apparently live in these days would this man even be allowed to display heinous "art" such as this. Could you imagine this even a decade ago? I hope I'm not being "racially-offensive" here in calling BULLSHIT on this garbage. What kind of message is he trying to send?
 Here's the kicker: to come out with an article saying that someone even needs to call attention to this man being racially-insensitive is a complete joke, but it just goes to show how fucking stupid most people are. The powers that be know this, which is why they can even think about publishing such an article. A third-grader should be able to call bullshit on this, but sadly most "adults" these days will buy it wholesale. As much as I still miss my grandmother, who's been gone for twenty years, when I see shit like this, I'm glad she's in a better place. This would truly break her heart. I know that because it breaks mine in two.
 If you saw one of these decapitation images, do you think you'd really need an army of "Trump trolls" to call the artist racially-insensitive? Do you? It's a complete fucking joke, but just watch...people will be all over this, and they'll go bashing Trump, whom I seriously doubt would EVER have his portrait painted by a white man who also paints portraits of white women cutting off black women's heads. I'd be completely offensive either way, and I'd be just as disgusted if it were reversed. Black or white doesn't matter one iota. It's sick. It truly is. Can you imagine the backlash if it were reversed, and Trump did this? There'd be war. No, I'm not a "Trumpie." Politics is a football game anyway.
 I'm getting sick and tired of trying to get people to wake up even a tiny bit. I really am. I'm sick of being called names and being told I'm crazy simply for pointing out things that ANYONE COULD LOOK UP FOR THEMSELVES, IF THEY CARED, because I DO care. I hate typing in caps too, but I've had it. If you don't give a flying fuck what happens to the world we live in, NOT TO MENTION the world our CHILDREN will have to live in, then it's on YOU. We're ASSHOLES. HAVE A NICE DAY.

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