Wednesday, February 28, 2018

D News

I decided to go ahead and sign up for DTube. It does take a bit of time and you have to set up a Steemit account and wait for approval, but on the upside I just got a message thanking me for my patience and congratulating me for being one of the early members of the new Steemit community, or something like that. Cool, thanks.
 Like my blogs I opted for zero ads on my YouTube channel. I take long videos of the Cahaba River showing leaves floating by and occasional bubbles from turtles farting and such. They're not for everyone, but for those who understand the theraputic value of looking at something that doesn't change scenes every three seconds and constantly bombards you with new information coming at you at lightspeed, my videos seem to mean something. I wasn't about to interrupt a peaceful river scene with ads that popped up out of nowhere at twice the volume level and scared the piss out of people; just like those "screamer" vids or whatever where a scary face pops up and gives you a heart attack. No way, Jose.
 The new platform, if it holds true, is a godsend. Money will be made, and no one will ever have to see ads, or at least not to the degree as they did on YouTube. I have no problem making money under those conditions. Up until now, the reward I get from some of the comments on my videos has been enough, but if I can make a buck or two on top of that, I'm all over it. I've put in quite a bit of time hiking up and down the river looking for places to shoot, and if that can become retroactive sweat-equity, then bring it. I'm not sure how it all works just yet but my Steemit ID will be "doctoroctafer." I suppose while I'm at it I should get my Twitter account up to speed. I started it at least two years ago, and all I've tweeted was "(TAP TAP TAP) Hey, is this thing on?" or something stupid like that. I can't remember, but I should start chirping. I mean tweeting. We'll see how it goes, but I'm in. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Platform-Hopping: DTube, Ho!

The buzz on YouTube among some channel owners who know they're in the crosshairs and could be shut down at any moment is one of concern, but no one is panicking. YouTube was forced to choose sides, and they have. Their message is loud and clear: if you're going to question the "official narrative" or promote a "certain religion," you are no longer welcome on YouTube.
 It's a shame, and if nothing else it goes against what YouTube was founded upon- the free exchange of ideas. One day we'll look back and realize our right to free speech has been yanked out from underneath us, but we were too busy looking at our phones or looking at stupid bullshit on the web or with our heads up our asses to notice. Adios, 1st amend. T'was nice knowin' ya. So what do content creators on YouTube do when they realize that they're no longer welcome on the platform that many of them helped create? Basically they say "If you can't beat 'em...FUCK 'em" and move on.
 I'd guess that the execs over at a new thing called DTube are rubbing their hands together in glee right now. A lot of present and former YouTubers are now setting up shop over there. They're gladly reporting that it's a bit of a hassle to sign up for but it's the exact same format as YouTube, and that the coast is clear, at least so far. Here's the kicker: they're not swayed by advertisers threatening to pull ads from videos with "questionable content." They mine something similar to Bitcoin. Channels get paid according to the number of thumbs-up alone, and not according to the whims of some suits. Plus no one has to sit through a bunch of loud-ass ads that pop up out of nowhere just to watch vids, or more importantly, listen to music. YouTubers are tired of being demonitized and harassed anyway. It levels the playing field, and they're going to make a whole lot of money whether they want to or not. It's brilliant.
 BTW, "questionable content" is right. They're questioning the bullshit. Furthermore, our very country was founded on that right, remember? Apparently some people have forgotten. Oh yeah, I got flagged and tagged and metatagged just now for saying that. Fuck 'em. Does that sound paranoid? It's meant to by design. At the end of the day it really doesn't matter. It's just how things are right now. I get it. I'm automatically a nutjob, correct? Your call, but a "maybe there's really something to this" bell should be ringing loud as fuck in the back of your head. Again, fear is the enemy. I get that too. Oh, and this is strictly my opinion.
 Do you think the folks over at DTube are cracking the Tattinger right now? I bet they are. The beauty of it is that unlike YouTube, who had to build up from scratch, all these people who'll be jumping ship from YouTube to DTube will be bringing a built-in following with them. They're about to be generating a shitload of Bitcoins. Hopefully it won't go to their heads, but if I had money I'd invest in stock the minute it went public. That's my hot tip for the day- invest in DTube. No joke. Word is so far at least that it's like YouTube only without assholes, or wondering if you'll still have your channel tomorrow.
 Apparently they don't tolerate the negative activity that YouTube actually encourages, whether most people realize that or not. Sure over time they could be compromised too, but then these people will simply move to the next thing, and on it goes like a game of leapfrog. As long as former YouTubers aren't spewing actual instead of  alledged hate, and all the trash I don't need go into, then they should have the same rights to say what they please as the people who apparently have the right to tell them they can't. It works both ways. Simple. YouTube without assholes and's hard to imagine, and it must be like a breath of fresh air for those guys. It's going to be a breath of fresh Bitcoin for DTube. Right on. The truth is waiting for you. Cheers.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Great Lines from Great Songs

Emerson, Lake & Palmer wrote some amazing and unique songs in their day. One tune that really stands out is "Are You Ready Eddy?" It was written about their soundman, Eddy Offord. How many other songs do you know of that were written about a sound guy? One line goes "Are you ready Eddy, to give your sixteen tracks? Are you ready Eddy, three to five minutes is all it lasts." The last part references a typical Pop tune, which normally lasts about that long. It's brilliant.
 On their masterpiece LP Brain Salad Surgery they did a song called "Benny the Bouncer." BTW this image is from the accompanying tour for that record, which fortunately I got to see, and was by far the most powerful concert I ever saw (with all due respect to Zappa, Crimson, Yes, et al).
 The song tells the story of one Benny, who was a bouncer obviously at a bar called the Palais de Dance. One line really gets me, and it perfectly illustrates the idea of an unfair fight. Usually I tell a story in my own words, but you can't do any better than the lyrics.

Benny the Bouncer (lyrics by Pete Sinfield)

Benny was the bouncer at the Palais de Dance
'e'd slash your granny's face up given 'alf a chance
'e'd sell you back the pieces, all for less than 'alf a quid
'e thought 'e was the meanest, until he met with Savage Sid

Now Sidney was a greaser with some nasty roots
He poured a pint o' Guiness over Benny's boots
Benny looked at Sidney, Sidney stared right back in his eye
Sidney chose a switchblade, and Benny got a cold meat pie

Oh, what a terrible sight
Much to the people's delight
One hell of a fight

Sidney grabbed an 'atchet, and buried it in Benny's head
The people gasped as he bled
The end of a Ted?

Well, they dragged 'im from the wreckage of the Palais in bits
And they tried to stick together all the bits that would fit
But some of 'im was missing, and "part of 'im" arrived too late
So now 'e works for Jesus as the bouncer at St. Peter's Gate

 Incredible. No wonder Pete Sinfield is my favorite lyricist. During the piano solo, Keith Emerson plays an upright in what is sometimes called "Barrelhouse" or "Barroom" piano, which of course is perfect. It's accompanied by shouting and breaking glass. If you can get past the rather dark subject matter it's really an entertaining tune. I love ELP. It's rough to think that E&L died last year, but we still got the goods, AND we still have Carl. I've listened to their records thousands of times, and I can always find something new every time. How could you ever get tired of something like that? RIP, Keith and Greg. Thanks for the tunes.

Are You Ready Eddy? (studio version):

Benny the Bouncer (studio version):

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Your Location

You know how you occasionally get a window that pops up saying "Google (or whomever).com wants to know your location?" You can click Block, Allow or just close out the window. I reckon most prople think it's for real, but really it's laughable. They know your location, yo.
 There's no need for a notification except to make you think otherwise, and that you have control. That's funny. Wise-up. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC-SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT. WE RETURN YOU TO YOUR REGULARLY-SCHEDULED BULLSHIT.

Quote of the Day

"The system [that runs things] can't afford the truth." - Paul Romano

Image of the Day

I was just reading an article and ran across this in the sidebar. It was the story of a homeless man from Nairobi who'd had a chance encounter with a former classmate and had been "rescued" and given a second chance at life. I hate to be the cynical old bastard that I am, but these days you never know if a story like this is true, feelgood fluff or complete bullshit. Please don't get me wrong...there's nothing wrong with that (feelgood fluff that is...not bullshit); especially these days, but usually I don't bother clicking on stuff like this. Turns out by all accounts it's legit.
 It's the story of a man named Patrick Henga, who in typical fashion began a downward spiral after getting kicked out of grade school for smoking. An old friend and former classmate named Wanja Mwaura (what a beautiful name) happened to see him on the street and started a conversation. To Mr. Henga's credit he mentioned wanting to change his life. Not only did she just talk to him; she raised money through social media for treatment, and even helped set him up with a business to keep him busy once he got clean. He's a lucky man.
 I enjoyed reading the story. I have some sort of deep connection to Africa and some of its people. Certainly it's a musical thing. Every bit of the music I love except Classical came from Africa; not to mention that if a drummer truly wants to even try to learn drums, they go to Africa. But it's much deeper than that. It's the connection that most of them still have with the Earth. The African people I've gotten to know personally have all exhibited a remarkably-sweet and humble spirit that in NO way indicates weakness or stupidity or inferiority, and they all have great potential for true joy. They care about the world and its inhabitants. For the most part they lead a simple life and aren't totally ruled by money, as most people in the world. Well, guess what...they're some of the happiest people on the planet. That's what happens when you don't count wealth in dollars only. It was a feelgood story, but it definitely wasn't fluff.
 There was no photo until the end of the story. After that heartwarming read, the photo took me a bit by surprise. No, I am not a trained professional, and hopefully Mr. Henga was just clowning for the camera, and best and all, but I might say from seeing this image that he still has a little work to do. Make that a lot of work. God bless.

Quote of the Day

"You're gonna get pussy from all around the world, and find out that that pussy was the same as the pussy you had next door." - Yash Qaraah, on the fakeness, emptiness, lonliness and lack of spiritual fulfillment that comes with money and fame

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Whipit Good

Sally works with a guy who's been going off the deep end lately. Apparently he's ingesting everything he can get his hands on. When she told me I said "What, is he doing Whipits or something?" "Not that I know of" she said, "but if I mentioned it he'd probably run out and get some." I was kidding, but then I couldn't help remembering the Whipit days. Most people know what Whipits are.
 There was a period of a year or two when my old bud and bandmate O' and I went through no telling how many boxes of Whipits. For a legal high, and a good one at that, you couldn't beat Whipits. Nevermind that they were only industrial-grade, or that you could accidentally freeze your larnyx off or pass out and hit your was FUN. Getting them was fun too. There was a place that was sort of like Sam's Club, where you buy cases of shit. It was largely automated. You'd go in and enter your order and pay, and then go stand in line by a conveyor. A few minutes later a door would open and your order would travel right up to you. O' and I would be standing there grinning as half a dozen cases rolled up to us. We didn't fuck around.
 I don't need to go into the effects of N2O, and I am NOT advocating the use of ANY substance. Seriously, that shit is BAD for you. Having said that, I couldn't even begin to guess how many we did during that period. I'm laughing right now but I'm not going to tell any Whipit stories at this time. I will tell how we got rid of the empties though. That was funny.
 There was and still is a club here called the Nick. We used to play there all the time, and considered it a home away from home. For some reason it seemed like the perfect place to dump all our spent Whipit cartridges. Sure we could've thrown them in a dumpster, but we were big "bang for the buck" guys, and if we could get another fun use out of something we were going to toss anyway, then why not. I'm sure the good folks at the Nick would've just as soon had us throw them in a dumpster, but that wasn't the deal. It was one of those funny things where they totally knew it was O' and me, but technically they couldn't ever prove it. Not that we'd have gotten into any trouble, but they were just itching to catch us in the act. To our credit, if there was any to be had, there was a hill to the side of the parking lot and we always aimed for that. They'd eventually roll down into a gravel/weeded area. No problem.
 Like I said we didn't fuck around, so after a week or so we'd have hundreds of spent cartridges. Now that I think about it, I wish I'd thought ahead enough to do something more constructive with them, like maybe drilling them and making a chain. It would've been long enough to circle the block several times easily. But no, we had to raise hell and throw them out in a public place. Whichever of us was in the passenger seat, we'd hold a big box of empty Whipits; maybe 750 or so, and toss them into the parking lot. The only criteria was to make sure no employees saw us directly. 750 or so empty Whipit cartridges hitting pavement made, as Bill Bruford would say, an almighty clatter. The sound was actually quite musical (to us anyway), and loud as fuck. It was so much fun. They'd come running out like bees from a beehive trying to catch a glimpse of our cars, but we'd be two blocks away by then. Good times.
 Speaking of Bill Bruford and Whipits, a few years later both of those things helped get me through a bad breakup. For about three weeks or so I'd do Whipits and listen to Bruford's amazing Earthworks records before I went to sleep, and I'd just drift off into the most pleasant cloud, and before long it was back to business as usual. So that's partly the story on the Whipit days. Why did I tell it? Hell if I know.

Portraits 2

Well, I figured there'd be more shit to marvel at with regard to these paintings, but this is out to lunch. No sooner than the ink had dried on the post I did earlier, I finished a video I was in the middle of. After hearing comments that artist Kehinde Wiley was "racially-insensitive" (which he definitely is, and then some) for painting images of black women decapitating white women, some fools are saying "No, no...those are images from the Bible." Horseshit.
 Sure, the Bible has some similar things. David chopped off Goliath's head. Cain slew Abel. But black women cutting off white women's heads in the Bible? No. How fucking stupid do people have to bloody be to make such comments? When will they finally get so fucking stupid they they can't find their own asses to wipe? I guess they'll be needing "The bold look of Kohler" to do that. Son of a bitch.
 Word on the street is that people in other countries laugh at Americans all day long. I get it. I do too. Most days in fact I'm embarrassed to call myself a member of the human race. There's some crazy bullshit going on these days but this shit just takes the cake. To excuse Kehinde Wiley for being an inflammatory, racist asshole is one thing, but to blame it on the Bible is a complete joke. People's heads are lodged so far up their asses these days they can't breathe. Hey, motherfuckers...get your heads out of your asses. You're turning blue. What's WRONG with people these days? Fuck me.

Portraits 1

I'm calling this post #1 because I have a feeling this whole portrait thing could get even more interesting as time goes by, and it could turn into a series here. People are just now starting to critique these portraits. I just saw a couple of videos about it and they were really funny. Most of the other thumbnails I saw about this seemed to take a more serious tone; from the titles anyway.
 I haven't even scratched the surface on what people have to say about this, but I did watch part of one vid where dude was going into all the alleged numerology associated with the paintings. Everything is open to interpretation of course, but it was interesting. The number of memes should go up exponentially for a while, and I'm sure some of those will be entertaining. I already saw one with Barack's portrait showing a 'shopped-in clip of Homer Simpson disappearing into cartoon ivy alongside the former prez. Not bad but I'm sure it can be topped. It's been compared to the ivy-covered outfield wall at Wrigley Field.That's excellent. Someone said it looked like he was being eaten by the plants, like something out of "Little Shop of Horrors." That's excellent too.
 I haven't started my own investigation yet. Michelle's portrait is fairly cut-and-dried and there's no background, so I'll probably study the Barack image mostly. I'll probably take a different approach to most people. I'm well-trained in pattern-recognition and such and my sense of pareidolia is off the charts; plus I was okay at "hidden pictures" as a kid, so I'll probably look for subliminal shit. I bet I'll find some. People are already saying they see a pot leaf painted in but it didn't look like that to me. That's too easy. I think Obama might have had a little of the pot leaf right before he decided to have Kehinde Wiley paint his portrait, but that's another story.
 I really don't have much to think about Michelle's portrait except that if I were to grade it in an art class I'd be hard-pressed to give it more than about a B- at best. Even with the odd break with tradition for Barack's painting and all the possible shit going on, at least it has style, and it looks like the dude. I doubt I could pick this painting out of a lineup as being Michelle Obama. It looks like the artist threw a little Beyonce (Bounce, as I call her) into the mix just for funsies. Other than that I can kinda see a little of Michelle in there, but somehow something seems off. I think that's just due to the quality of the painting being what I'd call sub-par. Hate to say but it looks more feminine than Michelle in real life. Look at Obama looking at it. He's either going "Who the fuck is SHE supposed to be?" or "Yeah, I'd hit that."
 The style (or lack of) of her painting reminds me of something I can't put my finger on yet. It's a bit like when you and your honey go to Florida for Spring Break and you go to one of those t-shirt shops and get each other's names airbrushed onto your shirts, with ocean and palm trees and such. They put in the little four-pointed stars like it's supposed to be a chrome bumper or something, and it has that classic "Florida cheese" look. That's not really it though. It's more of a thrift-store thing I suppose. It reminds me of stuff I see at thrift stores, only much bigger.
 I can picture a couple of people divvying up grandma's estate and finding this portrait lurking in the attic, and probably covered up with a sheet. "Oh, God...THAT thing. Do you want it, sis?" "Fuck, no...are you kidding? That thing gives me the heebie-jeebies." "It ain't no Jackson Pollock; that's for sure." "Goodwill?" "Goodwill." A couple weeks later it shows up in a thrift store with a $9.98 price tag on it. When I look at Michelle's painting that's the vibe I get. I can even smell that funky "used" smell that hits you when you walk into a thrift store. Amazing. That's what I get so far.
 The only thing you can say for certain is that compared to all other presidential and first-lady portraits, these stick out like a sore thumb. Obviously that's the point. So far the question to me is why. I'll be looking into articles and videos about these portraits, and when I'm ready I'll scope Barack's portrait for hidden shit. I've read books about subliminal images, and some techniques you can use to better allow yourself to see things hidden in other things. I'm not really in a proper chill state of mind at the moment but I'll get around to it soon enough. Should be fun. Stay tuned. This could get interesting.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Quote of the Day

"If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Daily Bullshit

Most of us have seen the official Barack Obama presidential portrait by now. Not that it isn't interesting, but needless to say it breaks with tradition, and there's truly some high weirdness going on in this painting, but I'll save that for another post. I want to talk about one of my favorite subjects...bullshit, and more than that, how the public eats it up and begs for more.
 I saw an article on a site called Salon. Feel free to look it up. It says: "Pro-Trump trolls are organizing a smear campaign against Obama portrait artist, Kehinde Wiley." The article goes on to say that they've accused Wiley of being "racially insensitive." Well, guess what? The motherfucker IS. No one needs trolls to figure that out. Want proof? I don't blame you, so here you go.

Here Wiley has painted a portrait of a black woman who's just cut off a white woman's head. Racially-insensitive? Naaaaaaah.

Here's another one. For the love of God, racially-insensitive is just the tip of the iceberg. This is subhuman garbage. Who in their right mind; black or white, would choose this "man" to paint a presidential portrait? Oh, Obama. Right. This is sinful. I don't give a damn about racial bullshit because I've never engaged in it. Only in this Sodom-and-Gomorrah world we apparently live in these days would this man even be allowed to display heinous "art" such as this. Could you imagine this even a decade ago? I hope I'm not being "racially-offensive" here in calling BULLSHIT on this garbage. What kind of message is he trying to send?
 Here's the kicker: to come out with an article saying that someone even needs to call attention to this man being racially-insensitive is a complete joke, but it just goes to show how fucking stupid most people are. The powers that be know this, which is why they can even think about publishing such an article. A third-grader should be able to call bullshit on this, but sadly most "adults" these days will buy it wholesale. As much as I still miss my grandmother, who's been gone for twenty years, when I see shit like this, I'm glad she's in a better place. This would truly break her heart. I know that because it breaks mine in two.
 If you saw one of these decapitation images, do you think you'd really need an army of "Trump trolls" to call the artist racially-insensitive? Do you? It's a complete fucking joke, but just watch...people will be all over this, and they'll go bashing Trump, whom I seriously doubt would EVER have his portrait painted by a white man who also paints portraits of white women cutting off black women's heads. I'd be completely offensive either way, and I'd be just as disgusted if it were reversed. Black or white doesn't matter one iota. It's sick. It truly is. Can you imagine the backlash if it were reversed, and Trump did this? There'd be war. No, I'm not a "Trumpie." Politics is a football game anyway.
 I'm getting sick and tired of trying to get people to wake up even a tiny bit. I really am. I'm sick of being called names and being told I'm crazy simply for pointing out things that ANYONE COULD LOOK UP FOR THEMSELVES, IF THEY CARED, because I DO care. I hate typing in caps too, but I've had it. If you don't give a flying fuck what happens to the world we live in, NOT TO MENTION the world our CHILDREN will have to live in, then it's on YOU. We're ASSHOLES. HAVE A NICE DAY.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Quote of the Day

"The ultimate ignorance is rejecting something you know nothing about, yet refuse to investigate." - unknown

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Number of the Beast

I was watching a video last night and I noticed it had 665 likes. If I clicked on the Like button I'd be #666, so of course I did, as you can see here. 666 is the number of the Beast. Do I believe it's real? Absolutely. Well then, wasn't I afraid to click on it and be #666? I couldn't click it fast enough. 666 represents Satan. Aren't I afraid? Oh, hell no. The battle has already been won. NO FEAR. Have a nice day.

Situation Room Follies

Today was a fabulous day for stumbling across really crazy shit on the Internet. We've all seen this famous image of  the Situation Room at the White House the day that Bin Laden was taken down, or whatever happened. I was watching a video today and saw an altered version of this photo, and I immediately had to do an image search. I found the image, along with a few more. I really should've known that such an iconic image would get fucked with, and boy, it has been.
 I ran across some hilarity, along with some intrigue, and plenty of good old-fashioned bullshit. Lots of that flying around these days. Of course I had to put together a little montage here. So sit back, relax and enjoy the show. Grab a cup of coffee if you like, and smoke 'em if you got 'em. Click to enlarge.
 I about lost it when I saw this. What can I say? It's brilliant and it made my day. Someone had fun with this and I appreciate their efforts.

 I kept looking around to see if there were more images. Sure enough. This may be a bit cold to some people, but that's exactly the vibe. They were out to get the guy. Let's just say I've learned to take "official narratives" with a grain of salt. If anyone doesn't understand that "official narratives" can be just a little bit problematic, they probably quit learning about history the second they left high school. From the cold point of view; with the announcer calling it as if it were a play-by-play, it's perfect. Bravo.

 This one's not bad.

 Everybody loves cartoons. I think Obama looks much more important in this version.

 This is outstanding.

 This is too. I think Obama even looks more important in this photo too. Serious bonus points for Hillaryhog eating a slice of pizza. Most people won't get that.

 This is classic.

 Here's a nice collage. They did a good job with perspective and fitting things in and such and it's humorous too. It's amazing, but even with all the cut-and-paste stuff, cartoons and everything, Obama still looks like the least important figure in the room. I find that incredibly interesting.
 Mainly for my personal memory log I want to mention that seeing Obama looking so insignificant here reminds me of an episode of the original Star Trek series, where the villian (a LaVey clone) turned into a tiny, shriveled-up creature at the end, and ended up smoldering like a burnt match. Cartoon dude photobombing is a nice touch. Say, is that Jose Feliciano? Now that's funny.
 I was having one more look through image search to make sure I didn't miss anything good and I found this cropped image. This is definitely a real image, but if I didn't know better I'd say Obama was 'shopped, and pretty darn badly at that. Compared to even Ms. C he looks like a freaking munchkin. It may sound like I'm ragging Obama but it's just my own observations. He looks like a turtle. Get up out yo' shell, man.

 Here's a good one I just now found. They just replaced everyone with someone else, but they did a nice job on matching the original proportions. There's good ol' Bob Ross. RIP, Bob. I just noticed Obama. OMG they nailed it. That is incredible. They managed to catch that same insignificant vibe. I'll be damn. Great work.

 Here's where someone ran it through Pokemon Go. Jesus. Maybe just like those fools who fall off cliffs or walk out into traffic playing the game, a staffer got distracted and wandered right into the Situation Room. Lol.

 The Sgt. Pepper cover in reverse. That's pretty good.

 Here's where it gets interesting. A Brooklyn Hebrew newspaper airbrushed our Hillary and another female present. They thought it'd offend their Hasidic male readership. They got into a heap of shit fast and they quickly redacted and apologized; saying it was for religious reasons or something. It's like they were never there. It's Grade-A bullshit in living black and white. I love it.

 In response to the newspaper thing, someone airbrushed out everyone but Hillary and the other woman. That's excellent.

 But here's where it gets even more interesting. Someone ran the photo that was released to the public through the latest photo-forensic (or whatever it's called) software that shows if a photo has been tampered with. The areas in red show where the photo has been altered.
 Nothing has been added or subtracted or changed really, so there's no outright deception, but the alterations show that this kind of thing is nothing to them, and to people with a brain it should indicate that this sort of thing goes on every day.
 Their theory, and I think it's a good one, goes as follows. First you'll notice that Hillary is lit up. The software indicated that this area was only lightened a shade or two, but it completely surrounds her face. That's to highlight the expression of deep concern on her face. She was definitely the first thing I noticed. To me it's like the old masters who'd paint a halo around a face to indicate great importance or even a godlike figure, and draw the eye to it. People might blow that off as minor, but they'd fail to see the vast amount of bullshit within that tiny change. It's so blatant it's comical by now.
 Interestingly the area around a map has been highlighted. The map itself has been pixelated, and exaggeratedly so, which is understandable for security reasons, but the theory was that it was meant to indicate that Hillary was privy to top-secret info, and one of the gang. It's basically one big Hillary commercial. It's a joke. To the right of her a tie was apparently lengthened, and they're guessing it's to cover a security pass which would reveal a name. I don't remember what the red area in the middle is. They said that the left side of Obama's face was highlighted, as you can see, to "bring him out of the shadows." That'd take more than Photoshopping, but I digress. I think it was a useless attempt to make him look less like a munchkin. This image really goes to show the bullshit that we get 24/7. If people can't see it, I guess they just can't.
 To get back to a funnier note, I'll end with a couple of collages. I have to say yet again, even with Ronald McDonald in the house, Obama still looks...what's the word...humble? Crazy. Love the dog.

 Finally here's an all-out clusterfuck. It has a little something for everyone, plus Bob Ross again. That's great. Damned if even Peewee Herman doesn't look more important than Obama. The very first time I saw the original image the Obama thing really struck me. Even with all the shenanigans, except for the cartoon one and the groundhog one, where he actually looks more important, it's the exact same in all the other photos. Incredible.
 This is after the fact, but I just found it and thought it worth sharing. It was fun.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Comment of the Day

I was just now watching another "live" broadcast of the TESLA-ESLA-ESLA-LA-LA IN-N-N SPACE-ACE-CE-CE-E-E. Oddly, every time I've clicked on a "live"broadcast, there's always a disclaimer saying that for this or that reason, it's looped. I'm not going to lie...every time I see this thing my Bullshitometer goes into overdrive, especially after I saw an inteview with Elon Musk, in which he dropped little nuggets like "You can tell it's real because it looks so fake," and my very favorite quote (may be slightly paraphrased) of 2018 so far- "I'm tripping on it. Right now I'm tripping balls." Yep, he said that.
 Anyway I was watching another "live" broadcast that again was actually looped. The whole thing is loopy if you ask me. The comments in the chat room were flying by. An unofficial observation told me that the percentage of people calling it fake has gone up 10-15%, for what it's worth, but there are obviously plenty of supporters. One comment, and its reply, caught my attention. Every viewpoint on the planet is expressed in some of these chat rooms, and the "Flat-Earthers" are well-represented. Here's what I saw:

Hacker YouTuber: "THE EARTH IS FLAT."
Valerie K: "Your brain is flat."

Too much. Touche, lol.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


The truth is starting to come out, folks. Like it or not. Nothing anyone can say will change a thing. Action is a different story, but that's a different story. Only those so steeped in fear (the ENEMY) that they'd rather knowingly believe a comfortable lie than face the facts, or those with their heads up their asses so far that they can't breathe won't be able to deny it much longer. If I had my druthers, what's going on wouldn't be going on in any shape, form or fashion, but again what I think doesn't matter. What I, or anyone else thinks, doesn't matter. Prayer? That just might work.
 If you believe in the idea of a creator, then who created us? Who's the GUY? Some New Age fuck? Stardust? Aliens? Dumb Luck? Maybe. Satan? Hell, no. I think we know whom it is. Look around you...if you can't feel a darkness creeping over this land then something is truly wrong. It's NOT a matter of "dwelling on darkness" or whatever. It's a message of hope. There just may be a brighter way. TRUE brightness I mean. Open you mind just a touch, and be willing to accept the fact that lots of things have been pure lies. Get over your EGO about being too smart to have been fooled. People a hell of a lot smarter than you and I have been fooled, and we're all in the same boat. Don't shoot the messenger. Be angry in the direction you should- the bad guys.
 Things are happening so fast right now that something is going to have to give. People are waking up and getting over themselves and realizing that something is wrong. There's a disturbance in the force. The good news is that we can do something about it if we let go of our fear. Fear is manufactured, whether most people understand it or not. You can break through it. You may have some choices to make one of these days. I hope they're as informed as possible. Yet again, if I had my choice, we'd all live in peace and harmony, just like I've wanted all my life, but what happens happens and all I can do is follow the narrow and rocky path. It isn't easy. The path to Hell is wide-ass open. With all my heart I can say that's true. Most people are walking it right now. I get it. It's seductive. It also ends up in pure darkness and evil. There's a book about all this. You may want to check it out some time.
 If things do happen to get to the point that no one can deny that crazy shit is happening, then people will go to the "loonies" and "tinfoil hats" and the "conspiracy whackjobs" like myself for the answers. It'll be my great pleasure to be of service.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Bold (AI) Look of Kohler

I'm going to grin (literally) and bear it, or maybe I should bare it, and watch Super Bowl Whatsitsnumber. First blatant whiff I see I reserve the right to change to Puppy Bowl XIV. I just saw this new commercial for Kohler. It shows a bunch of half-completed robots standing around and marvelling at a futuristic, glowing toilet. I had the sound down so I don't know what they were saying, but they were obviously into it. Of course they were in a major metropolitan area, as indicated by the skyscrapers. I don't suppose they'd be living in the sticks.
 Junior got the closest. It's probably because he and the toilet were glowing the same color. It is a pretty shade of blue. The robotic parental units seemed to want to keep their distance, but I'm going without sound.

 Dadbot is obviously lost in thought. His face is human enough to be creepy as fuck. Is he pondering the wonders of the glowing blue toilet, like the apes with the monolith in 2001: A Space Odyssey? They sure do have a nice apartment. Or maybe they're just visiting. I need to watch this with the sound. It's on YouTube. It's funny how many people have already taken screen shots. It's had an impression on others too.

 Robomom in a staring contest with Dadbot. I suppost that could go on for centuries. At one point he gestures with his head like "Let's blow this popsicle stand," but without sound I'm guessing.

I was going to go into all the AI thing and how most people don't realize how ingrained into society it already is, but I'm not up for it. I seriously doubt anybody would believe it anyway, just because they haven't done a second of their own research, and that's on them. In any case this begs the question: Do robots need to take a shit?