Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mainstream Mockery

I didn't watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics but I sure heard about this blasphemy. It's one thing when Satanists do this kind of thing but it's entirely another when it's mainstream.

 This should bother people even if they don't believe in God. The people in power are tipping their hand and showing us exactly whom they serve. It's right in our faces. This is pure evil, and it's going to get much worse. 

 Of course there are people coming out and saying that this isn't what it seems and that it's not mockery. Bullshit. They say it's trying to show that Jesus loves everyone, even drag queens. That's absolutely true, but it's still mockery, and they can't spin it. People are waking up to the official bullshit. The Olympics shouldn't be about this kind of thing, right? 

 Again, while it's perfectly okay to mock Jesus, see what would happen if they tried to mock ANY other religious figure. One guy was taking about this and he said that if they'd tried to mock "Mo" or "Al" it would be the end of France. I say the entire Olympic committee would have to go into hiding. I'd bet Mr. Rushdie would agree with that. 

 I don't see how this kind of thing doesn't get people thinking about all this, but many people aren't bothered at all by pure blasphemy. I get that some people don't see it that way, and some actually enjoy it. The same people though would have a problem if they tried to mock Mo or Al. People want equality and that's great...I've supported that all my life, but where's the equality when it comes to mocking religious figures? Why is it okay to mock Jesus, and only Jesus? Can't we mock Al? Nope. They'd order a hit on your ass. Think about it.

 If people only see this as "entertainment" and aren't bothered or even think it's funny, that's fine, and as always I support their right to believe anything they want, but thankfully there will always be some people who see this as wrong, no matter how they spin it. For what it's worth, those are my people. God bless you.


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