Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Much More Do We Need to See?

I've been saying for years that at least half of the "Official Explanation" is bullshit, and I'm far from the only one saying that. I'm not an expert in anything, but lots of people who are experts have been saying the same thing. Maybe after this fiasco people will start to at least question things. What's wrong with that? Do we honestly think the "Official Explanation" folks have nothing but our best interest at heart and would never lie to us? Come on.

 So this was done by some kid who was bullied at school and got kicked out of the rifle club or whatever it was in school? Really? Although they occupied the very building that the perp climbed on top of, the "Official Explanation" says that they didn't set up on the roof because it was too slanted, yet side-by-side photos of the roof they did set up on show that that roof was more slanted than the perp's roof, not to mention they apparently heard no footsteps above them on a metal roof that makes raindrops sound like tack hammers. There's lots of official stories that don't wash. The whole thing is a joke.

 Speaking of joke, a Facebook post about Jimmy Carter achieving room temperature was a hoax, but major news sources ran with it and announced it as fact. I believed it. I mean he's about a century old. It was fake though. How did that happen? 

 Here's the post. It's a little hard to believe that a fb post could fool so many people, but it does look fairly official. It goes to show that we just about can't believe anything these days, especially now that AI can create a bogus speech or an article or a video or whatever that will look 100% real.

 In my opinion it's all by design, and the purpose of all the bullshit flying around is to confuse us, and enable a "Ministry of Truth" of sorts, to provide the "Official Explanation," which will be taken as gospel, and only their story will be accepted and every other story (most likely including the one that's actually true) will be banned.

 I guess Jimmy Carter is having a good laugh about it. Anyway, there's going to be a million theories on the Trump thing since it's so historically important, but so far I've heard more theories than Carter has liver pills, as people used to say back in the day. I can't wait to hear the official report.

 I bet it'll be like the Warren Commision report or that of "Blind-11," and leave out some extremely important information. BTW does anyone still believe the Warren Commision report? Isn't it funny how "conspiracy theories" turn out to be true? 

 No matter what the official story turns out to be on the Trump deal, if all this doesn't wake people up I don't know what will. Besides the fear of being ostracized by their peers, the biggest obstacle to waking up is simple pride. No one wants to admit they've been fooled, but it's best to get over that. Way smarter people than you or I have been fooled, so don't worry about it. We need to accept it, and quit fighting each other and fight the bad guys. We're all in this together.

 I'll say again that it blows my mind when people who've studied a topic for fifteen years can be told they're full of it by someone who hasn't even looked into it for fifteen seconds. That makes no sense. Would I tell someone who's spent the last fifteen years in the jungle studying the Red Crested Beakfarter Bird that they're full of it, just because I haven't studied it? Hardly. 

 If all this nonsense doesn't get people to at least start to wake up then they just don't want to wake up, and I get it. Some people will never admit that they've been fooled, and some will never allow themselves to accept any bad news no matter what, even if it could help get them at least somewhat mentally prepared, if not physically. I say wake up and smell the bullshit. Either way have a nice day. 


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