Sunday, July 21, 2024


It should come as no surprise that as a whole, people are losing their minds. Alls you have to do is look around. It's one thing to get upset about something legit and freak out, but these days people are going berserk about trivial things like not getting extra pickles on their Big Mac or whatever. Some of us have been expecting this to happen for a long time, but still it's shocking.

 This dude lost his shit and basically turned into the Incredible Hulk, after being tased no less. He's a big guy with a big voice to begin with, but he started growling in a demonic voice. I've heard it happen many times lately, even with women, which is very creepy. 

 He was saying that tasing him was "verrrrry baaaaad Karrrrrma." It was kinda funny to hear someone growling when they're talking about Karma, but maybe that's how it works sometimes. Getting tased didn't affect him or his passion for Karma. 

 It would really scare some people, as well it should, and their natural reaction would be to think that this person was possessed, no matter what their beliefs. Lately I've heard lots of people say things like: "I'm not particularly 'religious,' but this person has a demon." It'd probably scare me too except that I know the name that's way more powerful than any demon, if that's what's going on.

 We "Truthers" believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg, and like everything else it's going to ramp-up exponentially. I hope I'm wrong but unfortunately I don't think I am. A certain book said it would happen one day, and it's literally a laundry list of things that are happening right now. It also mentions things like wars and rumors of wars (check), our hearts growing cold (check), people becoming lovers of self (check), earthquakes in diverse places (check) and things like that. But it's just a coincidence, right? 

 That book also says that God will give His people a "sound mind." Whether or not that's true remains to be seen, but most people have no problem saying that we're the crazy ones, and I get it. In my case, although my problems certainly aren't unique, my situation is somewhat dire and time-sensitive, with complications, and I've never had to deal with anything like this in my life. 

 I'm not as cool as a cucumber by any means, and when I turn my head my neck creaks and pops because the muscles are so tight, but I could be losing it, and I know it's true because I've seen people freak out over a lot less. I could get a doctor on a Zoom call and tell them what's going on and they'd write me a script for Benzos before I finished talking, but I'm not going to go that route.

 When I start to get really anxious I say a prayer instead, and a feeling of peace comes over me. It doesn't take away every bit of it but it knocks it way back. If it's just the placebo effect, I'll take it. Lots of people pay good money to get the same effect with meds, which of course come with side-effects.

 So many people these days are seemingly losing it just for the sake of losing it, and they have no self-control. They just go with it, and they seem to get off on it. The problem is that if it does get worse it's going to affect us all, and that won't be a good thing. This isn't about's about the antidote to fear. If it were me I might pray for a sound mind regardless of my beliefs. In any case, stay calm and have a nice day.

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