Saturday, July 27, 2024

New Thinking on Depression

I've always had a problem with the idea that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. That does happen and can lead to all sorts of problems, but it seems to be a catch-all for so many different things, and in the case of depression, I've just never bought it. 

 It's always been my opinion that depression is usually caused by circumstances rather than a chemical imbalance. In my particular case, the circumstances have been pretty rough for the last 16 years. It seems only natural that I'd be depressed.

 When I was playing music and making money and seeing my friends, I wasn't depressed. When I had to watch my parents suffer for 16 years without a day off, and didn't get to do those things, I was. It's simple in my book.

 Now the general thinking is that depression is mostly caused by stress. That makes way more sense to me and I'm glad they think that. I've been more stressed out the last two months than I've ever been in my life. Am I depressed? You bet. Would I be if things were better? Hardly. 

 I'm glad they're rethinking depression. It makes way more sense to me than a chemical imbalance. It's elementary, Watson. 

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