Wednesday, September 28, 2022

What Narcissists Fear Most

I just watched a video on narcissism by someone who's fairly qualified to speak on the topic. She's a PhD in Psychology, and she's been through a narcissistic relationship, which is really the only way someone can truly understand what's going on. 

 She said something I already know, but it's always good to hear it confirmed by an expert. She says that what they fear most is the truth. Amen. It's easy really...for someone whose very existence is based on lies, what else would they fear? 

 Interestingly, the truth is also what the Devil fears most, if indeed he exists. I say narcissism is straight-up demonic. At the very least, narcissists do things, when others aren't watching that is, that most people would consider to be truly evil, no matter what their beliefs. Anyway the good doctor says that they're terrified of the truth, and its cousin evidence. Speaking of the truth, I'm glad I have it on my side, in the case of my narcissist ex. 

 Just lying itself is very taxing, having to keep up with what lie you told what person, and having to create new lies to cover the first ones, but when you add in the fear of the truth coming to light, narcissists live in constant stress. They launch smear campaigns, both to make you look like the bad guy, and if they think that someone might spill the beans on them, the smear campaign ramps up. It only goes so far though...because of that Bugaboo the truth. Funny how that works.

 I hate giving attention to someone I'd rather forget, especially since it feeds the narcissist's pathological need for any kind of attention, good or bad, but this person is still fucking with me, which ALL narcissists do, so here I am talking about this vile piece of shit. Most of us would shun this kind of attention, but since narcissists have no internal validation, they have to have it from the outside. I can say that the narcissist is a nasty, evil, slutty POS, and in the twisted way their brains are wired, they'll get off on it. 

 You can set your watch by what all narcissists do, so that means that this ex is shaking in her shoes. It's virtually guaranteed that she checks my fb page, my YT channel probably, and likely this blog. If she's been checking my fb page, she knows that I've been talking to a few of her friends, whom she's no doubt heavily bullshitted. So far I haven't stooped to her level, and said a word to any of them, and hopefully I never will, unless something changes, but if they happen to reach out to me...we'll see.

 The beauty of it all is that there's a big, big difference in what she's already said about me, and what I could say about her. What she's said are lies, and what I'd say is the truth, and she knows it. Not only is it the truth, but I can back it up with airtight evidence, which takes both sides of the story out of the equation, and tells THE story. The truth wins every time, at least in the end. The bad guys know this. 

 It's hard to argue with airtight evidence, and I have what's called "damning evidence." I have recordings of some of the hideous fights my ex and I had, which fuel the narcissist's need to feel alive, and let's just say it's easy to tell who the monster is. Neither of us could spin it, lie or make excuses. As I've said, I know for a fact that this person wouldn't want these recordings to go public, because she tried recording one of our fights, but after about a minute of listening to it, she went pale, and couldn't delete it quickly enough.

 It just shows how deep their delusion and lies go. She thought she was going to prove that I was the asshole, the one hurling insults over nothing, the one taking it to a rather disturbing level, but it freaked her out to hear, in her own words, that it was really she who's the monster. She couldn't handle it at all. The truth made her turn a whiter shade of pale.  

 That's the beauty of not making your entire life a giant web of lies...the truth wipes it all away. They can deny the truth until their last breath, but they know deep down they're full of shit. They'll fight to maintain their fragile veil of bullshit, that they're good people, for as long as they can, but they know the truth will come out eventually. 

 I'd rather forget all about this, and her especially, but unfortunately, since all narcissists will continue to stalk their exes, to varying degrees, I can't just ignore it. Ask anyone who's been through it...they'll tell you. They're stalkers, and as we know, all stalkers are creepy, and some can be very dangerous. I hope these recordings will stay private, but I've had my limit. If anything else happens, and I'll know, I'll go public...with the truth. Have a nice day. 

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