Friday, September 16, 2022

The Heebie-Jeebies #1,838: Creeped-Out in Broad Daylight

Yesterday I went for a walk and passed this guy who creeped me the fuck out, in the middle of the day. I saw him coming from a ways off, and he looked like Joe Normal. He was wearing khakis and a blue button-down. He had fairly short hair and a well-trimmed beard. 

 Normally when you pass someone, you exchange nods or hellos, and you usually at least make eye contact. Not so with this guy. I was looking away but as we were about to pass I looked at him and said hello. He didn't return it, or even look at me. 

That's one thing, but the look on his face was maybe one notch above the classic look on Jack Nicholson's face, when he's chilling-out at the end of The Shining. The only difference was that this guy wasn't crosseyed quite as much, but it was actually much more horrifying, because it wasn't a movie. His mouth was open in just the same way, and his scary eyes were narrowed, and fixed on something in the distance...somewhere else altogether maybe. 

 I was hoping and praying, literally, that he had some sort of learning disability or something, that made him look that way, but if not, I was really glad we were going opposite ways. Normally even street people or whatever don't bother me at all, but this guy was different, and I didn't expect that look from someone with his general appearance, but you never know. Speaking of praying, I'd have crossed myself if I were Catholic. 

 When I first saw his face I literally got chills. He looked like he wanted to hurt someone...and possibly eat them too. If he'd had a touch of face paint on and he'd been walking a little slower, he could've gotten a gig immediately, no audition, in any Zombie movie they could think about making. A few seconds after we passed, I turned around to make sure he was still going away, and I never do that. That's how creepy it broad damn daylight. 

 If he has some sort of mental thing, then bless his heart. If not, he's got some issues. I've rarely seen an expression like his. It was the vibe more than the expression, and he gave me the Piss-Shakes. I've seen some scary fuckers in my day, and this guy is possibly the winner. It wasn't a regular anger. It looked demonic.

 If he doesn't have whatever, then he's a scary fuck, and if so it would seem to confirm what my main info guy said would happen, and that I mentioned, that soon we'll be able to tell what people are truly like on the inside, by just looking at the outside. I believe that, whether this guy was an example or not. I know lots of people who work with people with "disabilities," and I've met quite a few of them, including a few very disturbed individuals, and none of them looked like dude, not even close.

 Either way I hope he gets better, and I hope I never pass him again. That was one creepy fuck it was. Stay safe, and have a nice day. 

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