Tuesday, September 20, 2022


It's funny the things that pop into your head that you thought you'd forgotten. Like most kids of the day, I was in an Air Band. It was probably second grade, give or take. There were three guitar players, and we all played lead. It was me, Denny Ragland and Billy Bolen. I'd open the front door and crank my portable record player as loud as it would go. We'd stand out on the porch and wail. 

 We played along to what I had. It was heavy on the British bands...The Beatles and Herman's Hermits and such, but I was bitten by da Funk Bug at age four, so I had a large collection of "black" music, such as Fifth Dimension and the Motown stuff. I hope I managed to put a bit of the Funk into those two white boys. I think I did. 

 We'd usually get a few of the neighborhood kids dropping by, and sometimes it'd turn into a party, with lemonade and stuff. Like most guys in Air Bands, my biggest fan was my mom. Dad was usually at work, but he caught our shows on the weekends. Mom usually watched from backstage, but sometimes she'd go out and talk to the neighbors. The other moms would come over too, and they were all buddies just like the kids. It was fun. We rocked-out. 

 One day we finished a song, to thunderous applause, and my mom told us that we were really good. Denny got a serious look on his face, and said "Thank you, Mrs. Simpson. We're good, but Kelly...he's got it. He could be in a real band." Were those prophetic words? As it turns out, yes. I knew that I'd love to play in a real band one day, and I had a feeling I might get a chance, but it was still fun to hear. Thanks Denny and Billy...and mom. Y'all rock. 


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