Thursday, September 8, 2022


Will the Bid Greene band finally reeeeunite? Looks like it might. Last year we began talks, and had everything in place. We even started talking it up on fb. A couple of club owners saw the posts and said they'd book us sight unseen. That's a pretty solid endorsement. We used to pack the clubs in town, so it made sense from an economic standpoint, but I think we were a pretty fun band to go see. That's what we were told anyway. 

 Then the guitar player announced that his neck issues were so bad that he couldn't even lift his ax, much less play a gig, so we called it off. We discussed getting another guitar player, but that didn't get my vote. We already lost one guy, the irreplaceable Matt Kimbrell. So many bands will do reunions, but if they only have one or two of the original guys, it's not really the same band any more.  

 The guitarist and I became really close toward the end of the band, and since he's moved back into town we've gotten closer. I'm honored to know him. I've been following his progress with his neck, and I turned him on to the TENS unit, which he says has really helped. He recently got an electric that isn't a 3/4 scale, but it's a few inches shorter in the neck, so it's lighter than a regular guitbox.

 Looks like we might possibly get the ball rolling again, and a couple of us may get together and hammer out some tunes. If it goes well we'll get everybody else and start working on things. If it doesn't happen though, I know I'll be doing some more playing, even if it's on a limited basis. I'd play in a Monkees tribute band at this point...I don't care. Just give me music. I just heard of a country club band looking for a drummer, but I can't really commit right now, plus it's six nights a week, and that makes it like punching a timeclock- it's just a job. There's a Reggae band looking for a drummer, and that'd be fun. I can fake Reggae pretty well. Gimme a Polka doesn't really matter as long as I'm playing music. 

 Time will tell, but music is on the horizon, and I'm thrilled. As Zappa said, "Music is the best." Amen.


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