Friday, September 9, 2022

Problems with the Big Bang Theory?

Uh-oh...could the Big Bang Theory be full of holes? Looks that way. They say that science (SCIENCE) is in an uproar. Apparently new images from the new James Whatshisface telescope show several inconsistencies in the theory, which has always been just that- a theory.

 We "Truthers" have been saying forever that the Big Bang is bullshit, along with about 75% of everything else we've been told via the "Official Narrative." The universe absolutely could've been created out of nothing...the "Word" as some say, but there have always been inconsistencies with the Big Bang. 

 This is all new, and I haven't looked into it yet, but someone said that it had to do with light refracting in a way that didn't fit the model, and I think they said it also had to do with the size of some objects, or something like that. I'll find out more when it comes out. I love this stuff.

 I'd be surprised that they were releasing information like this, except for the timing. From what I've been learning over the last two decades or so, we're about to see not only a total shitshow in the sky, but also a total paradigm shift, and a total shakeup of our belief systems. It's going to put any Science (SCIENCE) Fiction story to shame. 

 I always tell people that I get that this stuff sounds crazy, but if it were me I'd create a file in my brain called the "I don't believe it for shit" file, and put it away, but not forget it. If unexplainable things should start to happen, at least you'll remember that you heard about it somewhere before, and it won't take you quite as much by surprise. 

 The Good Book says it will happen, and if you want to call it coincidence, along with the laundry list of things it talks about in Revelation- wars and rumors of wars, plagues, earthquakes in diverse places, hearts growing cold, people becoming lovers of self, evil being taken for good and good for evil, signs in the heavens and a handful of other things that haven't happened yet, then go right ahead. 

 Taking "religion" completely out of the picture, what I've learned and observed over the years, tells me exactly the same thing, and that's incredibly interesting. You look at trends, and you can make a pretty good guess where things are going. You just follow (not flatten) the curve. It's not rocket science (SCIENCE). 

 I say buckle-up, and pay close attention to the thing about "signs in the heavens." They're going to keep us distracted with things on the ground for as long as they can, but before too long, we'll ALL be looking up- and I'll stake what reputation I have on it. There's some heavy shit coming in. My advice? Get a little bit of extra food and water, find a neighbor with a gun and a Bible, and get right with God. Big Bang? Big Schmang. Have a nice day. 

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