Saturday, October 23, 2021

The Numbers Game: Joe and the Sixes (6uild 6ack 6etter)

What's in a number? In the case of certain numbers, like one of my favorites, #666, there's a lot. Good ol' 666- Da Numbah o' Da Beast. Regarding his spending bill for infrastructure repair, he quipped "It doesn't matter if it's in six minutes, six days or in six weeks. We're going to get it done." Interesting choice of words, Joe. 

 He also recently brought up the "6uild 6ack 6etter" deal, where the Bs are replaced by 6s. It's very cute and clever...and also very Satanic. Even if I didn't know shit from apple butter when it comes to religion and Theology I think I could figure out without straining my brain that whatever it is they plan to build, they plan to build it on a Satanic foundation. What else is there to say about it? What else could be said? It's pretty much spelled-out. It couldn't be any more in our faces. 

 I believe two things are happening right now that the Good Book said would happen- The Veil is lifting, and a light is being shone upon the darkness. The second part is self-explanatory, and the "Veil" refers to the curtain or barrier that separates our world from the "spirit realm," if it exists. I think the Veil is getting thinner and the light is getting brighter, and this is a perfect example. These people are coming out into the open, and they're not trying to hide it any more. You'd think that seeing something like "6uild 6ack 6etter" would have even Atheists wondering what up, and maybe looking into a chapter or two of Revelation, but most people just shrug it off I guess. I don't get it. It's a signal. It doesn't get any heavier that the number 666. To try this twenty years ago would've been laughable, but these days most people just accept it.

 When we see 666 in the title of 6uild 6ack 6etter, we can't call it "conspiracy theory" or anything else- it's exactly what it says. Are we going to build a Satanic infrastructure? It would seem so. Seriously, they're spelling it out for us, with zero ambiguity. Whatta y'all got to say about that? These people are Luciferians. I've been trying to tell you, but now you don't have to believe my dumb-ass...they're telling us right to our faces. The question is...does it bother you that these people worship Satan? It should. Have a nice day. 


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