Monday, October 25, 2021


This is by far the toughest post I've ever written, but my gig is exposing this shit, so here goes. This motherfucker Faux-ci is an evil piece of shit, and what's just come to light about the "experiments" he did on Beagles and Beagle puppies is so far beyond sick and cruel that they need to make a new definition for it. Find me one example of what pure cruelty had to do with research into ANYTHING but CRUELTY and I'll suck a pole. 

 I'm physically sick. I have tears in my eyes and I'm hugging my Beagle for dear life. It's times like these when I almost wish I could go get a lobotomy or something so I could forget about evil shit like this. I knew there was something wrong with this sick fuck...I knew it...and now the whole world knows too. If there's a Hell I'd hate to be his dark-ass soul.

  This is one truly sick fuck. He gets off on CRUELTY. He's EVIL, and he just proved it. He just proved it. More than that even he's a piece-of-shit COWARD. Anyone who could do something like that...holy shit...that's how cereal killers are born. APPROPOS! Faux-ci is a sick, sick fuck, end of story. Here's the deal: these are the people trying to make your medical decisions for you, and they're truly disturbed, sick, cruel cowards, who obviously lack a speck of empathy, decency, humanity, love, kindness or anything else that makes us human, and this is proof. He should be locked-up! If we let these twisted, evil Satanic fucks tell us what to do, WE'RE GODDAMNED FOOLS. That's the truth. Wake up! 

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