Tuesday, October 12, 2021

More Results of a Godless Society

This creature is the kind of thing that happens when we remove God from society. If you ask me this goes much deeper than fashion, or some sort of expression of personality or whatever. In fact I'll say again that I believe that the longer someone is "occupied" by a demon, yes, a demon, the more it begins to manifest itself and reflect in the appearance of that person. 

 Call me old-fashioned but I say only an equally-disturbed person could be attracted to an abomination like this. And no, I'm not squeamish, and this isn't hate speech. Besides repulsion, granted, I feel deep pity for this person, and their soul to boot. 

 I don't know if this person is an "influencer" or not, but many of the ones I've seen look similar, or worse. Some don't look human. If these people are really influencing anybody, especially our children, then we're in big, big trouble, no shit. So what was this person's deal? They were ranting on, bug-eyed, about how people who haven't been whaxxed are insane. Right, then. Reckon that's the pot callin' the kettle black. Sure, you can trust her opinion. She's an "influencer." May God have mercy on our sick asses, Amen.

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