Monday, October 11, 2021

Shots Fired Again

I just heard more gunfire. This time a shotgun was involved. I heard one blast and about 15 seconds later another. About 45 seconds later there were three rapid-fire shots from a high-caliber firearm. It was in the other side of this complex, about a block away. Half the dogs are barking and the other half are under the bed scared shitless I reckon.

 One cop arrived within two minutes and I just heard another arrive. It's been about ten minutes since it happened and I thought the place would be swarming with cops by now, but maybe it's getting routine. It sure seems to be.

 It was a rude way to have my Northern-Exposure reality-break interrupted. Nothing snaps you back from the early-90s to 2021 quicker than the sound of gunfire. It was like premature time-travel. There I was all wrapped-up in the show and remembering the general vibe from 1993 or so, and BOOM, I was transported over a quarter-century in a millisecond. It made me dizzy. I talked to a sweet sister today who was moving. She said she had to get away from this shit. I live in the motherfucking 'hood. 

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