Saturday, October 23, 2021

Fertilizer of the Day: Frass

I was searching soil amendments, specifically bat guano and mycological stuff, and I ran across this. I hadn't heard the word "frass" in a good while and I'd forgotten what it meant. It's the droppings and molted shells of, in this case Soldier-Fly larvae. They feed them organic fruit and vegetable trimmings and let them go to town. I'm sure this is good stuff.

 Almost any kind of manure (besides dog and cat manure) is good fertilizer, and this is so tiny that it doesn't need to be composted. It's red' ta go. I know that Chitin, from the shells, is good for animals and people and I'm guessing plants too, but the calcium and other minerals in the shells are. The shells would help keep the soil aerated and loose if used regularly. I bet plants just love frass. word. I think it's short for "from the ass."  

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