Saturday, March 1, 2025

Yet Another Slow Meteor

 I keep talking about these slow-moving meteors but I keep seeing them and they keep blowing my mind because they move so dang slowly. The average speed of a meteor is about 20km/s, or about 45,000mph, although it can range from around 11 to around 70km/s. That's hauling ass. These just creep by, at way less than 1km/s I'd guess.

 I saw another one this morning. I woke up at 5:00 sharp and took El Doggo out. I looked up and saw what looked like a star the size and brightness of Venus (pictured above), but I realized it was slowly moving. 

 I usually think I'm seeing a plane at first except that planes don't fly nearly that slowly, and although this one stayed constant, some of them brighten and dim and occasionally change color. They're meteors that aren't whizzing by like they usually do. It's wild. 

 I don't keep my phone in my pocket like most people because I don't want to irradiate my nurtz, but I'm going to carry it any time I go out on a clear night. I've seen quite a few of these in the last several years...easy a couple dozen or more. 

 I was only outside for a few minutes this morning and saw one, and I saw another one less than two weeks ago. There's a bunch of them coming in lately. I'm going to go out at night and just let the camera roll until I catch one, and it shouldn't take long.  

 Speaking of camera, when I saw the one this morning I ran back to grab my phone. I couldn't have been gone more than about 12 seconds but when I got back out it was gone. That's a shame because although some of them only last a few seconds, others last up to minutes. The last one I saw I watched for maybe three minutes, and it was still going when it went behind the roof. That's crazy.

 Like I've said I think the reason they're moving so slowly is because they're being struck, dislodged and sent our way by other objects knocking them from the various asteroid belts, and it's similar to a break in pool, where the cue ball hits the object balls and sends them flying off at high speed, although it takes maybe half a second or so to reach full speed. Maybe that's what's happening on a much larger and slower scale, but that's just my personal opinion. 

 In any case, like I've also said before, according to what my guys say, along with the charts and graphs to back it up, we're going to see a true shitshow in the sky before too much longer. It's a logical conclusion if you simply follow the trends which are sharply going up. If things continue along the same path then it's a given. Eyes to the sky.

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