Saturday, March 1, 2025

Killswitch Engage

 I just saw an ad for a company called Zugu. They offer a rather interesting service and a hardware and software bundle. The package comes with an iPad and a special case, an interactive ring and software. The ring monitors your vitals and if it determines that you've expired, then so does your iPad. It "bricks" it and fries all the data. The whole package sells for $1,500.

 This is secret agent stuff. It's obviously for people who have more than family photos and recipes and whatnot on their iPad. It's something the bad guys can use and I can certainly see a market for it. It's hard to delete files if you've achieved room temperature. 

 At least the company has a sense of humor. Step 1 says: "You die. Sorry for your loss." That's funny. The short video on their site which supposedly shows a "brave beta tester" is pretty brutal but also hilarious. It's almost like the whole thing is a spoof but it's real. Might as well have a laugh.

 Here's step 2.

 Step 3 shows the bricked iPad. It says that it doesn't actually smoke when it gets bricked. I never heard the word "bricked" but it's pretty appropriate. A brick generally doesn't contain any damning files.


 The image in step 3 is reminiscent of the classic TV series Mission Impossible and the scene that started every show, where the tape recorder would reveal the mission and then self-destruct. I'm guessing there's an old-timer or two who work for the company and remember the show. The difference with Zugu is that apparently there's no secretary who will disavow any knowledge of your existence.

 The thing is that if I were a bad guy who had questionable content on my iPad I might worry more about that info getting out while I was alive than unalive (see: Hunter Biden) but I can see it being a useful tool for the ne'erdowells out there, or maybe Joe Divot not wanting the wife to find out about Betty the next door neighbor. I think they've sold quite a few units. 
 To me it'd be much cooler if your iPad actually did smoke when it was bricked, but then again I don't suppose you'd be around to see it anyway. I'd just as soon keep my nose, and my iPad, clean and save 15 hunj but as always what do I know. In any case have a nice day, and don't get bricked.

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