Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tea Time

 I found out recently that my dog likes Chai tea as much as I do. In fact I'd have to call him a connoisseur. When I make a cup I try to keep an eye on it but sometimes I forget about it and when he knows I'm not looking he'll snab it with the quickness. 

 I didn't take one sip of this cup. My dumb ass got up and did something and he helped himself to the whole thing. I caught him just in time to see him getting the dregs, with excellent cup-leaning technique. Little effer. 

 I'll holler if I catch him in time and he'll back off, but I certainly can't get mad at him because it's my fault for leaving it where he can get it. Granted he'll eat 99.999999% of every food item on planet Earth, and he'll make anything edible just a memory in a second or two, but there are some things he enjoys a little extry, and Chai tea is one of those.

 He can't help it. He's ruled by his nose and food is his thing. In the Beagle hierarchy I'm #3 behind food and w-a-l-k-s. I hate to say it but if there were a contest between me and a plate of food, the plate of food would win. 

 This woman who has a Beagle left a great comment on a video. She said something to the effect of: "He barks as loud as a jet engine; he shreds my socks and he'd trade me for a slice of stale bread, but I love him with all my heart." I hear you sister. That's funny, and true.

 He likes the aroma of Chai tea with regular milk anyway, as opposed to coffee prepared the same way, and the goat milk powder I've been using lately takes it to another level for him. We both love it. 

 I'm a massive milk freak. I drink mostly organic dairy milk but I wanted to get some milk powder for when I run out of regular milk for my tea and coffee. Goat's milk is way better for you, and pets too.

 In fact you can give it to your dogs and cats, whereas dairy milk isn't good for them. Goat milk is more easily digestible, more nutritious with less fat and calories, almost zero lactic acid and such, and it's actually fairly similar to human breast milk. It's goat's mother's milk. It's outstanding. I'd sure have a few goats if I had some property. Fresh is best but it's illegal here to sell raw goat's milk for human consumption. 

 You can buy it raw for "pet consumption only" though. Several times I've gotten it at a great pet store. It's frozen. Even so it tastes fantastic. I love regular milk more than almost anything else in the world, but compared to it, goat milk is ambrosia. Fresh would have to be mind-blowing. Man I need a goat. 

 Anyway I guess it's not horrible for him except for calories and sugar. I use Agave nectar to sweeten it. It's better than sugar sugar but it's still sugar. It's stupid even taking about something so obvious I guess but it's interesting to see him enjoy something even more than he usually does. 

 He loves V8 juice and other things, and normally he just slurps it down with all sorts of noises, but he actually lingers a little bit over tea, almost like a gentleman. Normally something is inhaled in five seconds but he takes almost half a minute over a cup of tea. That's funny, and as we all know it's not good manners to slurp a cup of tea. 

 For what it's worth the tea and Agave nectar are organic and the powder comes from grass fed goats. I love it and so does my dog. Compared to the velocity of how quickly he usually snarfs down anything edible, he takes his time so much that I could almost have a cup with him. In any case he knows whatbhe likes. He has a discriminating palette, and he really knows how to work that cup. He's a proper foodie he is.

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