Saturday, September 21, 2024

A Visit to a Gas Station in the Boonies

Through the kindness of friends and a few strangers I find myself living out in the country, which is something I never could have imagined. I needed to decompress from 16 years of looking after my folks without a day off and being in the hard-core city for the last eight, and this is a pretty good place to do it. 

 I went to the local gas station to get smokes and I hate to say it but also some liquor. It's a combination gas station, Sneaky Pete's and liquor store. There was a young sister behind the counter. On first glance she looked like a typical gen-whatever, who'd rather be anywhere else. I couldn't say I blamed her. She was mid-20s tops.

 I'm the last person in the world who'd categorize, stereotype or judge a book by its cover, but I've seen so many women who fit her description who are lost and don't give a shit about much of anything that really matters. Thank God she didn't fit that description. 

 I got the smokes and told her I was going to get some booze. She turned around and walked into the liquor portion of the store. Customers have to go back outside and walk around the building to the other entrance but that's okay. 

 She said "Okay honey." I was glad she didn't call me "sir." Usually I'd think calling someone old enough to be their grandfather "honey" would be weird, but it seemed natural. It wasn't condescending or patronizing or fake.

 When I went into the liquor store part she was standing behind the counter. I took a closer look at her and realized how beautiful she was. She had dark, shoulder-length hair that was mostly straight but curled at the ends. It reminded me of Betty Boop but in a good way. It was sort of retro but modern too.

 She's one of those women you have to take a second look at to see how beautiful they are, and that's the kind I really like. She had slightly sharp but pleasant features. I was looking at her and thinking "wow."

 Although she had called me honey she hadn't really smiled or said much. I don't have a problem talking to women age 19 to 91 but I generally don't try to start a conversation with someone that much younger unless they talk to me first, but this time I did. 

 I said that I'd just moved here for a bit and that I loved it here. With that she just lit up. "Oh yeah" she said. "I do too!" I told her I'd been in the city too long, and she went "Pffft" and made a disgusted face. I heard that. 

 She told me she lived nearby, and started talking about all the good things about living here. I was getting a great vibe from her, and since we were talking and looking eye-to-eye I was able to look at her and take in her beauty without seeming like a dirty old man.

 We had a really nice chat and I was so glad I spoke up. Again I hate to stereotype but if I saw a young lady like her in the city, chances are she'd be caught up in city bullshit, with not much appreciation for the country. It was a breath of fresh air. 

 Speaking of fresh air, I wonder if the air here has something to do with the way people here are so nice. Everyone I've met so far has been as nice as they can be, and they don't have the "plastic" vibe that most people in the city do. They appreciate Nature and the relaxed atmosphere here. I'd have to say that they're my people. 

 It was so nice talking to her and a bit of a surprise to find out that she was so cool and down-to-earth. I hope she's working next time I go there. Tomorrow a buddy is visiting. He's the young black guy I've mentioned, who was a neighbor of mine and who plays horn and has one of the sweetest horn tones I've ever heard. We'll stop by and see if she's working. If so I'm pretty sure he'll be impressed. 

 I look forward to seeing her again and I certainly won't hesitate to chat her up. Who knows...maybe she has a " granddaddy" thing going on. Usually I'd avoid that kind of thing but in her case I think I could make an exception.

 I seriously doubt that would happen but it'll be nice to have a temporary friend like her. It's too bad that more city girls can't be like her. I think they're missing out on what's truly important in life. I like it here. These are my people. Have a nice day. 

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