Saturday, September 21, 2024

Signs in the Heavens? A New Moon

                           I've been saying "Heads-up" for at least a decade, and I've also been saying that although there aren't many sky-watchers these days, everyone will become one by default at some point, and we may be approaching that point. 
 Out of nowhere comes news that we're about to have another moon for a couple of months. I say out of nowhere because this snuck up on us, and usually the people who follow sky stuff know about things like this well in advance. Apparently they've known about it for a month or so but it's just being made public.
 So far what we've heard is that an asteroid is about to come close enough to Earth to be grabbed by its gravitational field, and orbit like a second moon for a while before going back into space. That's some shit. It's much smaller than our moon but apparently it's going to be visible. 
 It should flip some people out but it shouldn't cause any major panic, although my guys are saying that this is just the tip of the iceberg, with other stuff on the way, and everything I've been looking into for many years supports that. 
 I'll say for the millionth time that a Bible verse that mentions "signs in the heavens" caught my attention at age three or four, and even back then I felt like I'd be here to see it. Whether or not this new moon is a "sign" can be debated, but it's not totally unreasonable to take it as such. As a sky- watcher for almost my entire life I can say that I've seen things in the sky over the last few years that I've never seen before.
 For good measure we'll also have a comet at around the same time. It will be closest to Earth in early October. Without looking it up I want to say it's the 9th, but you can Google it. They say it may even be visible in the daytime. I haven't seen a comet clearly since Hale-Bopp. 
 Having another small moon in the sky, with a bonus comet is going to be interesting. It should certainly get a few people looking up. If that doesn't do it I think there's bigger stuff coming in that will. But are these things truly "signs," or is it just happenstance? You get to decide. Maybe I won't need to say it much longer but for now I'll say it again- heads-up. Enjoy the show. 

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