Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Lake Loon Chronicles: My Constellations

A week ago I wouldn't have thought I'd be living on a lake out in the Boonies, but here I'm is. I can see the whole dang sky again, for the first time in many years. To be so cut off from Nature and then be so totally immersed in it is a little surreal. It's almost a shock to the system, but in a very good way. Not that I've had the quickest brain to begin with but it's slowed down a few pegs, which is just what I needed.

 Except for an occasional car driving by, besides the odd dog barking, including mine, crickets, a chorus of frogs and bird calls, it's so quiet out here that it feels like my ears have tripled in size. I sat out for about 45 minutes tonight. A cool breeze was blowing in. It was mixing with the warm air coming off the lake, so one minute it'd be a warm breeze and the next a cool breeze. It felt amazing. My dog really enjoyed it too.

 Although I didn't see any meteors, I realized that I can do something I've been wanting to do for a long my personal constellations. I drew them nearly a decade ago, but like so much of my stuff, they were stolen by my ex. Now I can take a sketch pad out and draw them again.

 Sometimes when I look at the traditional constellations that the ancients drew, it makes me lol. They came up with all these elaborate, vivid 3D things...animals, people and whatnot, from the outlines of stars. I've always wanted some of what they were smoking. Except for a few times when I was under the influence of select substances, I tend to see the stars, and the constellations, in 2D.

 The Big Dipper is no problem. You can tell what it is in 2D or 3D. I can even picture Orion, but beyond that I can't picture most of the constellations the way the ancients did. More power to 'em. I imagined some 2D constellations that are different from the ones we learn about. I was able to locate several of my old friends, and I can't wait to draw them again.

 I found the Kite, the Greater Manta Ray, W, the Constellation, the Lesser Manta Ray and the Poorly Drawn House. Ha-ha, sometimes I crack myself up. I like it here. Hopefully I can stay a little while. Heads-up. 

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