Friday, August 23, 2024

Another Answer to a Prayer?

I was just outside listening to a chorus of frogs and looking at the sky. I can walk out onto my little porch and look right at the Big Dipper without having to tilt my head. I realize some people can't dig it, and for some people the boonies would be torture, but to me it's heaven.

 If God isn't directly answering my prayers then a slew of improbable coincidences is stacking up. About a month ago i was saying a prayer that I've been praying occasionally for the last seven years. I'd tell God that although it was important to keep my mom out of a nursing home for as long as possible, like I did my dad, He knew that I'd been cut off from Nature, and if there was any way to get me out in it again, I'd surely appreciate it.

 Well, lo and behold here I'm is...almost as far out in the sticks as you can get. If it were any more "country" then there wouldn't even be an old-timey supermarket three miles away. There's no way I could've imagined this or really even make it happen by myself. The way it came about is bizarre, and something neither I nor my friends could've seen coming.

 They say God works in mysterious ways, and the way I got out here sure would fit the bill. This was a total swing of the pendulum...a total paradigm shift. The first few nights the nighttime quiet was almost freaky. Except for an occasional car driving by, all the sounds of the city, even including the sound of gunfire where I was living, are gone, and my brain had to recalibrate. It's so peaceful and calm...and again I know some people would hate it, but for those who can appreciate it it'd be hard to beat where I am now. 

 I wish I could bottle the air out here and send it to my friends. It's medicine, and I mean the good kind, with no side-effects. My dog loves it and all he wants to do day and night is go outside and sniff the air. If I'd known how much he was going to love it out here I'd have moved yonder just for him. Bless his heart.

 I knew he'd love all the different sights and smells out here but he notices the air too. The last couple of months were the most stressful I've ever had in my life, and while I tried hard to maintain a positive attitude for him as much as for me, he picked up on my stress. He just had a UTI that the vet thinks was likely brought on by stress. Sorry, little dude.

 A month ago I was in the city but now I'm in the boonies, and I never saw it coming. Funny how it's what I prayed for to the letter. So did God really answer my prayers or is it just a coincidence? You say coincidence; I say let's call the whole thing off. Nah. I love it out here. God is good. If my dog could talk I bet he'd say the same thing. 

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