Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My YouTube Peeps: Darlene Magee

I've mentioned the amazing people I met on YouTube about eight years back. I'd never have expected to meet so many extra-cool people on YouTube but you never know. Out of all of them, Darlene Magee is a special case. She is a trip. 

 It's wild because this afternoon I decided to start doing my YT channel again, thinking about the people I'd reconnect with, such as Darlene Magee, and one of her vids popped up in my feed, which never happens. What a coinkidink. 

 I had to comment of course, and her reply was typical Darlene. It shows why my guys are so much fun and why I love them so much. I couldn't begin to list all the things that make her so interesting, but I'll touch on a few things. Ha-ha that might include Darlene, except that I'm fairly sure she's married. Never say never though, and she gets bonus points for asking about my mom.

 I have a very small channel, but I'll take quality over quantity all day of the week. It's like this blog...I've never tried to promote my channel in any way. I've never monetized, or said things like "Please share and subscribe" or "Smash that like button!" I don't care. 

 If I had 100K subs, probably 500 of them would be trolls, bots or just plain assholes. With only 250 subs I have zero assholes, and every one of them is human. I can interact with their comments without being overwhelmed. People with channels of 10K subs or more simply don't have time to respond to all the comments. I wouldn't want that. 

 Anyway, here's Darlene. From her name, her hat and the run-on sentences you might think she's a country gal, but actually she's French. She was born in France and moved to the US when she was fairly young. She's easy on the eyes. I've seen other photos of her and I've seen her live on YT. She's pretty hot.  

 Her sense of humor is beyond quirky, and what's beautiful is that some of her humor is accidental...she doesn't even know she's being funny sometimes. Her comments are off the wall to say the least. Whether she's trying to be funny or not, she just is. She can't help it. 

 In my little YT community, when one of us goes live, when she pops into the chat it's a hoot. We all love her to pieces. You never know what she's going to say or do but it's always entertaining. It takes things up a notch when she shows up, and she usually does. While she's firing off zingers she's also taking time to look up and post everyone's channel links, so we can sub to each other. She's a jewel. 

 Where the bit about the bear comes in is from a vivid dream about her that I had some years back. I dreamed that I went to her house. From the outside it looked like a typical nice house in Anytown, USA...white painted wood, a lawn, nice shrubbery and a garden out back, but when I went inside it was massive, and way bigger than it should've been. You don't question things in dreams.

 It had high ceilings, with mostly beautiful stone walls, except for a few that were done like a log cabin. It had a dirt floor but it was hard-packed to the point of being like tile. There were beautiful carpets and Native rugs and wall hangings. Some of the furniture was bamboo, some was Frank Lloyd Wright-esque and some was nice antiques. It was an odd mix of styles, and part cave, part mountain lodge, part log cabin and part hut from Gilligan's Island, but somehow it worked. It was impressive.

 We were sitting on a sofa having tea when a huge bear ambled out from another room. I think it was a Brown Bear but it may have been a Grizzly. Somehow I knew he was friendly and I wasn't afraid. He walked over and sat own next to me. Darlene offered him a cup of tea which he gingerly took. His giant paw dwarfed the cup but he managed to hold out his pinky like a proper gentleman. "Hello" I said. To my great surprise he answered "Hello." It was a talking bear. I was floored but again I didn't question it. Not only was he fluent in English but he was very intelligent and had a sense of humor.
 He extended his paw and I shook it. I tried to give him a firm handshake but I could barely get my hand around half his paw. We had a very nice chat. Not only did he not want to rip my face off but he could talk. Sadly at that point I woke up. Maybe my simple brain couldn't process the idea of a talking bear, even in my dreams. It's a shame it wasn't a lucid dream, where you can control the action. I'd have told the bear to go read a novel or something, and I'd have taken Darlene and...well, never mind, and I digress. I woke up grinning and shaking my head.

 I hesitated to tell Darlene about the dream...some people think it's weird or that you're trying to hit on them when you say you had a dream about them, but I'd known her for a good while by then and I figured she didn't think I was a perv. Sure enough she thought it was hilarious, and it's become an ongoing joke. It's funny because when we comment on each other's vids we sometimes mention the bear. Other people see those comments, and they're like, "What bear?" That's funny.

 In any case it goes to show that I'm going to enjoy getting back on YouTube again. It's crazy that just when I was thinking about Darlene, one of her videos popped up. I hadn't seen one of her videos in at least two years, but that's how things go sometimes. It was a joy to hear from her again and I look forward to having her on my livestreams. My YT peeps are all something really special, but she takes the cake. Darlene Magee is funnier than even a talking bear. This is going to be a blast. I can't wait. 


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