Wednesday, August 7, 2024

No Wonder People Laugh

Something funny happened twenty years ago and it still cracks me up. Paige, my gf at the time, had a British uncle who's still a legend, may God rest his soul. We were out at his place on a lake, and a couple of his friends from the UK were visiting. They were a hoot.

 Cable TV wasn't yet as big in England as it was here, and they were scrolling through all the channels in amazement. They stopped on a channel featuring a televangelist and his wife. I don't remember which one it was but the wife had a B-52/cotton candy hairdo that was blond with pink highlights and at least a foot tall. She looked like she could be Cindy Lou Who's mom from Dr. Seuss or something. 

 I wasn't surprised that they were laughing but they weren't directly poking fun at religion; they thought it was a comedy show. That made me laugh, but when they asked what show it was and I had to tell them it wasn't a brilliant American comedy show but rather it was serious, the laughter turned into complete befuddlement, or whatever the British term would be. Balderdash? Bollocks? 

 I don't know if it was Kenneth Copeland or not, but to me he's the poster child for creepy-ass televangelists. He's by far the most demonic-looking one I've ever seen. I don't see how his entire congregation doesn't flee in horror when he makes some of his faces, but they eat it up. It's easy to make someone look evil with a red filter, but if there was ever someone who looks like they're possessed by a demon it's Ken.

 In this image from a classic interview with a brave reporter from Inside Edition, he takes offense to one of her questions, and freezes in this pose for several spooky seconds, just glaring angrily at her. It was worthy of being in a horror movie, with a Voodoo priest putting a curse on someone. I bet she still has nightmares from doing that interview. He's a creepy dude.

 Yikes. I try to take into account that I already think he's a clown and a demon and I try to be objective, but when I look at his eyes I see something unholy. I might think it was just me, but judging by the thousands of videos calling him out and ridiculing him, I know that's not the case. People have fun with Kenny, and some of it is hilarious. There's your comedy show.

 Actually it's a comedy/horror show. He switches back and forth between clown and demon. On the comedy side he claims that he doesn't dye his hair...God keeps his hair naturally dark. Pray that gray away. Okay. On one hand you almost feel sorry for people who send in their rent and food money, but a dumbass is a dumbass. Why do people fall for that shit, besides dumbassery? I guess we'd have to ask PT Barnum or somebody. 

 Here we see him cutting his hand and doing a blood ritual on live TV. Too bad he used Ocean Spray instead of Kool Aid, but he gets the point across. My guys don't do blood rituals. Satanists do though.

 The Bible says that many of false prophets will appear on the scene, and Kenneth fits the bill perfectly. He's turned bullshit into a multi-million dollar industry. His crib is worth $7-mil. He has a couple of jets and his own airport. You should see the warehouses where he stores and ships his merch. Amazon would be proud. 

 If he's actually possessed by a demon, and again this is if God and the Devil are real, then I'm surprised that he can speak so freely about Jesus and the Devil without getting struck by lightning or something, but it says that God will allow deception. That doesn't seem very cool but it says our faith will be tested. 

 I don't like to use the words "Christian" and "Christianity," because many terrible things have been done in the name of "Christianity," and then there are clowns like Ken. You can only have a circus though if people buy tickets, and if people want to send in their rent money, hoping for monetary blessings according to his "prosperity gospel," but in reality buying him another gallon of jet fuel or a Hugo Boss tie, that's their business.

 Speaking of prosperity, the reporter asks a great question, which he sidesteps. She had two grandfathers who were preachers, and they lived well below Ken's level of finery. She mentions the verse that says it'd be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven, but he retorts with the verse that says that with God, all things are possible. In addition to clown and demon, we need to add "spin doctor" to his title. To be fair, maybe I'm totally wrong and he's legit, but I doubt it.

 I've said a million times that as far as I'm concerned you can take every televangelist, stuff them into a clown car and drive it off a pier. Just be aware that this bozo does NOT speak for all "Christians." Far from it. Comedy is subjective, but Uncle Tim's friends were right...this stuff is true comedy. It's also tragedy. These fools are Satan's clowns in Satan's circus. I get it. Might as well grab some popcorn. Cue funny Calliope music. No wonder people laugh. He is not we, and we are not he. Thank God.




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