Wednesday, August 28, 2024

How Dumb Can You Be?

I sometimes watch videos of people getting pulled over for suspected DUI and things like that, not only to witness the level of insanity and sometimes comedy, but also to reassure myself that there are indeed people who are crazier than I am. It never fails to disappoint, although the way some people totally lose their minds without a hint of self-control is shocking and a bit spooky.

 Dude here is sitting in a patrol car, watching a sheriff who's just discovered 80lbs of weed in his car, and he's contemplating how his life is about to change forever. He'd gotten pulled over for speeding, and the thing is that it could've all been avoided if he hadn't been a complete dumbass.

 He was smoking a J when he got pulled over. He managed to extinguish the joint but you can't extinguish the unmistakable aroma of burning rope when you smoke weed. He'd have only gotten a speeding ticket, or maybe just a warning, but he decided to potentially screw himself, which he did. 

 The grass was vacuum-sealed, so no odor would've been detected from the 80lbs; it was the one gram in the doob he was smoking that was the problem. I've seen this scenario repeated over and over- smoking while holding. Can't these people wait until they get to their destination before firing-up? Although reefer isn't an addictive substance in the way most other ones are, you have to wonder. It's like they're asking to get busted.

 Even if you're not moving 80lbs of weed, you don't have to be a dummy. Back in my smokin' and drivin' days, my philosophy was to never carry anything you couldn't eat. To that end I never had pipes, baggies or other paraphernalia. You can't eat a pipe and you could choke on a baggie. I'd only take joints, never more than I felt I needed to get from point A to point B, and I always had a bottle of water in case I had to wash them down. Luckily I never had to, but better safe than sorry.

 I don't get these people. If you absolutely can't drive without smoking weed, and I get that it makes the trip way more interesting, you could at least pull into a rest stop or eat an edible or whatever, but why in God's name would you smoke in your car when you're holding felony-level amounts of dope? 

 I watch such vids to remind myself that I'm not quite as stupid as some of these clowns. Works every time. There's a thing called common sense. You don't have to smoke 'em just because you got 'em. Have a nice day.

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