Saturday, May 20, 2023

On Every List

If you scanned my email you'd think I was a survivalist, a gun owner, a staunch right-wing conservative Christian, a Republican and a Trumper, but I'm none of those things. You'd also think I was into music, aquarium stuff, science (SCIENCE), animals, space, weather and things, and that I believe in a Creator, and I am those things. 

 Years ago I clicked on an ad for a fire starter or something like that, and next thing I know I'm bombarded with email ads for survival stuff and storable food. As I was on the survival list, they figured I must be a gun owner, and if I was a gun owner then I must be a right-winger, and if I was a right-winger I must be a Trumper, and this is the house that Jack built. 

 If my beliefs are true, then even without all that stuff I'm on every list there is, because of the opinions I've expressed. They don't need to check it twice...they've got AI. I stand by every word, and there's a 50-50 chance I'm right. Know where else my name is, again if my beliefs happen to be true? It's written in the Book of Life. For that I'll be eternally grateful, literally. 

 The bad guys know that if they want they can do bad things to those who believe in God, but they can't take our souls, because we belong to Him. And we will dwell in the House of the Lord forever, Amen. 

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