Monday, May 8, 2023

Band Name I'll Stick with for Now: Shiffer Brains

If I ever start my own band again, which at this point looks dubious at best, I'll have to have a name for it. Coming up with band names is something I do as a mental hobby, and I have so many that choosing just one is hard to do, but as far as how I feel today, I'd go with "Shiffer Brains."

 I got the name from Doug, Benny and PorterFunk of the Bluedads band. I don't know if they made it up or not but it's beautiful. "Shiffer Brains" is how a slurring southerner might pronounce "Shit for brains." Isn't that great? "Shit for brains" is one of my favorite terms anyway, but I don't know how many clubs, at least in this town, would want that on the marquee. "Shiffer Brains" is much more discrete. 

 I love band names that you can't fuck with, and even though people might laugh all day long when they find out what the name means, which is fine because laughter is the best medicine, you really can't fuck with a name like Shiffer Brains. No one could accuse us of being egocentric assholes with a name that means "shit for brains." It's perfect...almost holy. Oh, the t-shirts...

 Most bands that have "Brains" in the title are in the Punk category, but it's not set in stone. However, for those who might think it's a Punk band, and more importantly for musical reasons...aka fun...we'd do lots of Devo for sure, but mostly the more obscure songs like "Blockhead" and "Come Back Jonee." Other than that we'd stick to the format we used way back in the Generic Band days- play everything from A to Z- Allmans to Zappa, and everything in between, plus of course originals. 

 I can see it now..."Ladies and gentlemen...please welcome SHIFFER BRAINS!" (and the crowd goes wild). I wonder how many people would get what it means without being told. Their A-ha moment would be rich. Of course the name would be shortened to "The Brains," which might infer that we're a bunch of pseudo-intellectual fucks, but I think they'd get over that idear pretty quickly when they realize what the name means. "Y'all gonna go see The Brains tonight?" "Of course! What else would we possibly be doing? The Brains RULE!" I know I'm only dreaming, but who says I can't dream? Rock on. 

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