Thursday, May 25, 2023

Another One Bites the Dust

"Another one bites the dust

Another one bites the dust (hey hey)

Another one bites the dust...

And another one's gone and another one's gone

Another one bites the dust..."

Oh, excuse me...I forgot what I was doing here. Every time I see another predator go down, that song plays in my head.

 "Another one bites the dust..." Oops, there I go again. My bad.

 It's just that it's such a thrill so see these sick fucks get silver bracelets that I mentally burst into song. This image is from a vid I just watched, and it's fantastic, although this is just a random sick fuck, and one of far too many. He is dressed way more nicely than most and he stands out just a bit in the world of online preds, but they're all the same inside. It shows the amazing young woman who heads up an organization called Protect the Innocent, and "Mr. Nice Guy" in the background. The image says it all. 

 She and her team of decoys pose as underagers online, and when the predators set up a meet, instead of a kid it's law enforcement. That has to be a major buzzkill for sure. She's looking back at him being cuffed, and the next few seconds of the vid show her nodding happily into the camera as the perp is being led away. It's beautiful. I don't know if she believes in God but she's doing His work. 

 Sadly he'll probably only get a slap on the wrist, unless he's a reoffender, but it's possible he could spend a few years in jail. It just depends on where it happens. Laws vary from state to state and county to county and DA to DA. The fact that there aren't universal laws across the books to protect children shows how fucked-up this world is. A guy could do this in one county and go to jail for years, but step over into the next county and not a damn thing would happen to him. It's crazy. If you ask me the system is broken. 

 If they do serve time they're usually put into protective custody, and usually they get out before half their sentences have been served, for good behavior. They know that in prison, even other criminals hate Chomos, and the guards do too. They're not about to start any shit unless they have a death wish, so they get out early. What's usually worse for them is being put on the registry. It's very difficult to get a job with that on their record, and they're required by law to tell any potential partners. 

 What maybe even worse for them is being exposed in these videos, which are almost always seen by people they know. Most of them are garden variety scumbags, but at the very least their lives as they knew them are over. They lose all their friends, and if their families have any decency they lose them too. They have a hard time getting any job besides shoveling shit, and only another sicko would ever want to speak to them, much less date them. They're fucked. 

 Some of them though lose their homes, businesses, families and any shred of dignity they may have had. It's incredible what they're willing to risk for a few minutes of sick "fun," but it shows how strong the compulsion is. There's usually no information on what happens to these people once they're back in society, but occasionally there is, usually when they're caught more than once. No matter where they are in life they pretty much lose everything, but guess what...they'll be right back at it if they get a chance, and you can take that to the bank. There's no cure except snippy-snip, which they deserve. They're monsters. 

 Even if they're put into PC in prison, we know that bad things still happen to some of them, and the fact is that in or out of prison these people are the lowest of the low. I'm not saying they deserve anything bad at all, and normally I'm not a vengeful person, but when it comes to children or animals, all bets are off. Fuck those clowns.

 In my way of thinking their real punishment won't begin until the day they die. There's a saying in an old book about how it'd be better to have a millstone hung around your neck and dropped into the depths of the ocean than to harm a little one, and I believe that. 

 And so another sick fuck goes down and gets exposed to the world. Good job, sister! I can dig it. "Another one bites the dust (hey hey)..."

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