Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Great Moments in Television

Goodness. This amazing still is from an episode of the classic TV show Peter Gunn. I'm guessing it's a burger joint with car service. Bless his heart, he's almost trying to look at her eyes. Just because the world was in black and white back then didn't mean they didn't have it goin' on. That's textbook right there. 

 Mega-Kudos to Mr. Gunn, the producer, cameraman, whomever got it past the censors and everybody else concerned with the making of this scene, not to mention the young lady with the flat tummy and the alert, eager hoo-has, with nary a gram of silicone. They couldn't have nailed it any better.

 It's so good that I'm going to get an 8 x 10 of it from Walgreen's, and I don't even care if I get a "Low Resolution" warning. Hopefully the person who prints it will get a kick out of it. I sure did. My, my... them are textbook. 

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