Sunday, April 23, 2023

"Mystery" Storm in Istanbul Turns Day into Night

Last Tuesday a sunny day in Istanbul was turned into darkness by massive clouds that rolled in literally out of nowhere. The good people of Istanbul were bamboozled, and understandably there was talk of the Apocalypse. 

 It's one thing so see the sky go dark, but why was it a mystery? Because it didn't show up beforehand on any weather radars, satellite images or even from the just appeared.

 That's what they're saying anyway. It should be an impossibility, but it happened. Could it be an example of "Signs in the Heavens" that the Good Book mentions? Maybe. 

 Apparently people went back and looked through radar and satellite loops and the ISS feed, and there was no sign of the storm until it appeared. I guarantee we'll be seeing articles that contain my very favorite phrase of the New Bullshit Era in which we live- "Scientists are scrambling to..." I love that. What they're scrambling to do is come up with an "Official Explanation" for what happened, whether it's complete bullshit or not. 

 They did detect an anomalous heat plume about 15 minutes before the clouds rolled in, and it too just appeared without warning. It likely caused or contributed to the event, but no one knows where it came from. Again, it shouldn't have happened, yet it did. 

 As I've said a million times, I was a dedicated sky-watcher and meteor observer by age four, so I really get off on stuff like this. As I've also said a million times, the first Good Book verse that got my attention was the verse that talks about a time when we'll see "Signs in the Heavens," and I think we're there.

 I remember way back then, imagining my older self looking up and seeing all this crazy shit going on in the sky, and thinking that if it happened, and I was pretty sure it would, then it could indicate that the Good Book is actually true. Do you think that some of the good people of Istanbul thought it might be a "Sign in the Heavens?" I bet they did, no matter which book they believe or don't believe in. 

 What will happen is that the few people who are interested in this to begin with will look for an explanation, but once they don't find one they'll just dismiss it. Since it can't be explained by normal means then they don't care about it, but I think those things are the things we should concentrate on. Things that "can't be explained" always get my attention. 

 So how could a storm, and a remarkable one at that, seemingly appear out of nowhere and defy the Laws of Nature? It is an actual "sign" from Heaven? We don't know for sure, but that makes as much sense as anything else. If it's true that the storm didn't show up on radar before it happened then it's a sign of something, and it can't be explained by normal means. 

 It took less than five minutes for the sky to go dark. The system also hovered in place for a bit, which isn't normal either. There's a short time-lapse video taken by Siraj Noorani on Twitter. It's really intense. You can see it >HERE. Was it a sign in the heavens? Maybe we should treat it as such. Heads-up. 

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