Saturday, April 8, 2023

Surreal Things Revisited

I've talked about this more than once, but it still trips me out, and it was so utterly bizarre and unimaginable that it made me realize that we'd turned a corner in social weirdness, and we're basically headed for Hell in a handbasket if things don't change. 

 This was about 6-7 years ago, during the peak of the "creepy clown" era. It was bad enough that people were seeing them on their Ring doorbell cams and whatnot, but one day at least one elementary school near us was on lockdown due to creepy clowns being sighted in the nearby woods. Say what? 

 Yep, they put a public school on lockdown because there were creepy clowns lurking in the woods. When I heard the news I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but I guess that's the nature of clowns anyway. Clowns...some people love 'em and some people hate 'em, but to have them terrorizing schools was just whack. 

 My ex and I took the dogs for a walk around noon. I was keeping an eye out for clowns the whole time, which is something I couldn't ever have imagined happening. There was a short road that dead-ended right into the woods. It would've been a perfect place for a creepy clown to lurk. My ex was already spooked, and she hurried past that spot. I'd agreed to take pepper spray, to ease her mind a little. I wished I had a squirting flower that shot pepper spray, but I didn't. That would've been funny. 

 That night my ex was too scared to go for our midnight walk. I'll admit I was keeping an eye out for clowns...fucking clowns. I'm not sure how much fun it'd have been to see a clown lurking in the woods at midnight, but I had my camera ready Justin Case. Creepy or not I couldn't have turned down a photo op like that. 

 There's some really interesting theories on what might be behind the creepy clown epidemic, but I don't reckon I'll go into any of them here. Not much could be too much crazier anyway than schools being shut down because of fucking clowns. It did make a great introduction to the clown world we live in now. They say we're going to Hell in a handbasket. I say we're going to Hell in a Clown Car. Honk-Honk.

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