Saturday, April 1, 2023

The Pedo Files: A Disgrace to Metal

It's wild to be watching a livestream on YouTube, where they're confronting a Pedo, and certain info gets out, such as their fb and other social media pages, and you can find them in real time while you're watching them get exposed, and hopefully arrested, for preying on kids. One of the teams confronted this clown yesterday, live on YouTube.

 In his messages to the adult who was pretending to be a minor, he mentioned that he was in a band, and he said the name- "Nefarious Heart." I can't speak for the rest of band, who've hopefully fired him by now, but he has a nefarious heart for damn sure. 

 When someone mentioned his band I went straight to YT to see if they happened to be on there, and there the motherfucker was. He is, or was, in a Satanic Metal band, although what specific genre I'm not sure. The video I saw was from a CD release party, if you could call it that, and is three years old. 

 In three years only 100 people had seen the video, and that's pretty sad. It's now up to 125 views, and the extra 25 people went to it to see a real-life Chomo in action. All of that, plus the fact that he's a mediocre guitar player at best doesn't matter, compared to the fact that he's a sick monster who preys on children, apparently between gigs. Even if he were a monster guitarist he'd still be a sick fuck. 

 In Colorado they have some of the best laws in the nation, and simply setting up a meeting with someone they think is a minor is a felony, whether they actually are minors or not. Sending or asking for lewd material are also felonies. This predator hunter always calls police after he interviews them for a bit, and usually they're taken away in handcuffs. On this particular catch they were too busy to send a unit, but dude here, whose name is Mike, will be getting a knock at the door at some point. 

 He's a disgrace to the Metal community, even if nobody cares about his band, and he's a total piece of shit too. Metalheads, like people in prison, don't like Chomos very much at all. Neither does the majority of regular society for that matter. They're worse than murderers to some, including me. It's hard to imagine being attracted to kids in the first place, much less be willing to scar them for LIFE, all for their sick gratification. They're wired differently.

 Good ol' Metal Mike here showed zero remorse whatsoever, but narcissists are incapable of feeling remorse because they have no empathy. Since they don't understand it it's hard for them to even fake it. Mikey here was arrogant, looking at his phone, and acted like he'd done absolutely nothing wrong. These Pedos are trying to hurt makes you want to just stomp them into the ground, and people like Mike especially.  

 If you happen to want to see what a guitar playing Pedo looks like, you can watch the video >HERE. It ain't nothing special. What's funny is that in all those three years the video had one comment from some wanker, but now there's half a dozen calling Mike a Chomo. 

 What blows my mind is that some people think these catches are fake, even when you can look up the perp in real life. I guess they think that they can get the cops to play along and pretend to arrest the fake suspects. I think that might be illegal. 

 Unless someone was really hurting for money, which the catchers don't have much of anyway, I doubt they'd want to expose themselves to hundreds of thousands of views for nothing. There are groups that seek out these people and fuck them up. If I were Mike I'd lay low for a while, jail or not.

 So yeah, if you happen to want to see a genuine predator playing mediocre guitar in a mediocre Metal band, you can click the link and see one. I'll leave the name of the song as a surprise, should you want to see it. I feel badly for the rest of the band. That is, assuming they're not like Mike. 

 It's a trip to see someone being confronted in real-time and being able to look them up, and in this case finding that one of them, when not at his day job of molesting kids, is a Metal wannabe. What he really is is a sick fuck, and there's a special place in Hell for people like Mike. He's into Satan anyway. Good luck asshole. 


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