Thursday, April 6, 2023

Giving Blood

I used to donate blood all the time. I figured it was my civic duty. I donated so much blood in fact that I supposedly can get free blood transfusions for life, unless they've discontinued that policy. I was a regular at a couple of clinics, and they knew me by my blood type instead of my name. That was a joke.

 I think I should start donating again. Why? Because there's a huge demand for "un-veed" blood. It's making the news even. People are waking up. I don't know if my "lifetime blood donor" status would have any bearing on the situation, but I'd sure ask for un-veed blood if, God forbid, I needed a transfusion. 

I reckon they still give you a sticker that says "Be nice to me...I gave blood today." I'm old enough to remember when they gave you stick pins, but maybe enough people accidentally stuck themselves...donating blood without meaning to, that they quit making them. Safety first, plus stickers are cheaper.

 In any case...veed or un-veed, consider giving blood. It's always needed. It's the thing to do. You never might just fall in love with a nice healthcare worker. Maybe one day you can say: "Your mom and I met at a blood drive." Right on. I can taste them cookies and juice right now...


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