Friday, June 3, 2022

The Pedo Files: How to Ruin Your Life

Right about now, this guy here, Bo I think is his name, is probably recovering from the mother of all hangovers, and getting a taste of what it's like to completely destroy your life, for the foreseeable future anyway. This image is from a livestream yesterday, where he was confronted by a dude and two women, instead of the underage girl he thought he was meeting. Oops.

 What a difference a day makes. 24 hours or so ago, he was on top of the world. He's on the Ball State football team; he has (or had, hopefully) a stunningly-beautiful girlfriend of three years, and he's in training to be a cop. I'm pretty sure he can kiss that dream goodbye, and I hope his woman has the sense to split.

 It just goes to show how strong the compulsion is for these people to do what they do. It's wiring. Again, all Pedos are narcissists...ALL of them. Only someone who has zero empathy could ever harm a child for life. All this fuck here kept saying was "Is this gonna go online? What can we do to make it go away?" Ha-ha, little did his dumb-ass know that he was already live on YouTube, in front of 1,500 people or so. He was so used to getting his way, by manipulation, cheating and bullshitting, that he thought it would just all go away. Sorry, pal. 

 Like Narcissism, there's no cure for Pedophilia, save for chemical or physical castration, and very few people want to take that route. And like narcissism, it gets worse with age. What's sickening and scary, and to me, demonic, is the amount of equally-sick fucks, no doubt predators themselves, who defend these monsters for whatever reason, but especially when they're young, like this guy. They'll say shit like "Give him a break...he's young. He's got his whole life ahead of him." Yeah, bullshit. Wrong is wrong.

 Legally, although narcissists are immature, hateful, jealous, petulant asshole children inside, he's an adult. If they ruin his life, then good for them. If nothing else it's one less child being preyed upon. These sick fucks need to be shut down, whatever it takes, and exposing them is a pretty big step. Many of these people are caught two, three, four or more times, often by the same catcher, and the ones that mention how their life has changed since the first time they were exposed, aren't very happy about it. 

This is me with my Homegirl Merriewether. About six weeks ago I went to see a band with my old buddy and bandmate Greg, and his girlfriend, and I saw at least thirty people whom I've known for a very long time. About half of them were either people I worked with at the crazy restaurant or knew through music, and they're very special to me. I may not look that great, but Merriewether sure does, and that's what matters. We buddies. 

 The other day I let my mind wander for a bit, and I tried to imagine that same scenario, except that all my friends had just found out I was a Pedo, and all those smiles turned to looks of anger and disgust. I shut that imaginary scene down in a hurry. It's brutal to think about. I'd be crushed. It's the same for Pedos, although they don't value friendships the way we do.

 These people talk about how they lost friends, family, jobs, relationships, careers and such, as well they should. The big difference is that narcissists are pathologically-unable to take responsibility for ANY of their actions, and it's always someone else's fault, usually the people who exposed them. That just goes to show how twisted and immature their thinking process is. Most of them will say to their exposers, "YOU'RE about to ruin my life!" ain't the poachers who are ruining their shitty lives. Waaaaahhhhh. 

  The Peds universally will play the "poor me" card at some point, as if it excuses hurting a child. It's sickening, but in their minds it's perfectly okay, and they've done absolutely nothing wrong. To see them deny everything or blame it on someone or something else is pathetic, but since they possess zero empathy, the only point of view that can EVER see it from is their own. Just the fact that every single one of them denies that they're a predator, as they're in the very act of truing to meet a child, shows how completely fucked-up they are. 

 I can guarantee, from experience, that this young fool is going around trying to bullshit everybody that he's somehow innocent, and since narcissists are such incredibly good liars, some people will believe him, but then some thankfully won't. I doubt the football team at Ball State will want a Pedophile on the roster, and only the sickest of cheerleaders will ever want to sleep with him, and he can damn sure kiss his career as a cop goodbye. Really sucks, huh buddy? So does hurting children. Say goodbye to your old life. It's a wiring deal. 


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