Sunday, June 19, 2022

Why I Got Headaches After Sex with My Ex

After having sex with an ex, I'd usually get a screaming headache, and I never could figure out why. There was nothing weird, kinky, disrespectful or overly-strenuous going on, and it never happened with anyone else. In fact, sex with anyone else would cure a headache. It wasn't from being hungover or anything like that. There was no apparent reason for it, and it blew my mind, literally. 

 Turns out she was a narcissist, the worst kind, but at the time I didn't know that, or what narcissism was for that matter. She'd try to tell me bullshit like I'd gotten dehydrated, but that was stupid, because hydration is my thing, and she knew that.

 Then she'd try to tell me that it was a blood-pressure deal, but that was stupid too. It just goes to show that most narcissists aren't very bright, but they excel at bullshitting. After I'd ignore what she said, I'd try to figure it out, but I never could. I just knew it wasn't normal. 

 When I learned about narcissism, it dovetailed into my belief that God and the Devil are real. I think narcissists are possessed by demons, some or all of the time. If the Devil is real, then his ways fit the clinical definition of narcissism perfectly. That's interesting. Now I know why I got headaches after sex. I was fucking a demon.

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