Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Mocking God

One night some years back, my ex asked how I'd describe Satanism. I said that it was an inversion of Christianity. Of course there's lots more that goes with that, but that's the bottom line. Hence the upside-down cross. This image is from a recent Mercyful Fate concert in Poland. I have to say that, whether or not I like these guys, it's good to see live music again, if only for a while, and as long as you can show that you've done the "Hokey-Pokey."

 This cross held pride-of-place in their stage show. The show started with the stage dark of course, and the first thing that happened, before a note of music was played, was that the cross lit up. Right off the bat, get that message out...mock Christ. It's more important than the band itself, but that's how they roll. They have to play the game by the rules if they sign up for it. They have no choice in the matter. Satan first...incidental shit later. 

 Sure enough, cheers erupted from the crowd when the cross was lit, but it actually wasn't as big as I was expecting. It gave a little bit of hope for those lost souls, and I swear I could feel the energy of a few people in the audience, who were thinking: "Maybe this isn't right." Bingo.

 To me this stuff begs the question that if God isn't real, then why the mockery? Why? Most people don't believe in the Easter Bunny, but we don't go around mocking it. Further, why don't we ever mock other religious figures like "Bu," or "Mo" or "Al?" I think we know why...because it's forbidden. Again, why? 

If you put a little statue of Mo in a jar of pee, you'd be called every name in the book and ostracized by everyone, if not worse, but if you do the same thing with a statue of Jesus, you win first place in an art exhibit. It's true. Why? Try mocking Al, and they'll order a hit on your ass, and they're not kidding. Just ask Salmon Rushdie. 

 If the Good Book is true, and again, it either is or it isn't- a 50-50 chance, then this shit is all par for the course, and it's only going to ramp-up, like everything else in the world (hint, hint), and it will only get worse until our guy shows up. There won't be any mockery then. There may be a dash of regret, but no mockery. So, mock-on folks. It's destiny. Speaking of...what will yours be? Have a nice day. 


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