Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Like most kids of my generation, I grew up on the original Star Trek series, and I was a huge fan of Mr. Spock. Of course I wasn't aware of Leonard Nimoy before the show, but he had an extensive career before Star Trek, which went all the way back to the days of black and white TV. 

 Years after the series ended, on TV anyway, I started seeing him in several old TV shows, including Wagon Train. It was a trip to see him in black and white, and with normal ears. My mom wasn't a big Trekkie, so I was surprised one day when we were watching an episode of Wagon Train that he was in, and she knew who he was. 

 She said "Isn't that Doctor Spock, from Star Trek?" I told her that it was "Mister" instead of "Doctor," but I was duly impressed that she knew him at all. Earlier today we saw him in an episode of WT. He was playing a gunslinger, dressed in black. When he first appeared onscreen, she asked "Is that our buddy Leonard?" "Yeah" I replied. "He was a cowboy before he was a spaceman." Is that even funny? I can't tell any more. 


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